🌹𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 2: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝙺𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚊 𝚃𝚠𝚒𝚜𝚝.🌹

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''Breaking News, Terminally ill grandmother's granddaughter has gone missing. The Missing, is called Y/N L/N. She was last seen going to the grocery store, and was wearing a Green Tube top, Black and White bellbottoms, and lime green slides. If you ever see this person, contact the police on their whereabouts.'' The News lady said, on the tv.

Edred, and the others were walking through a dark lit forest with dead trees, and plants. ''This place looks dead.'' Y/N said.

''That's because It is, This is my homeland.'' Edred had a serious face. Y/N was like, oh. Melinda, had a sudden dark feeling inside her guts, that something was going to attack the five soon. Something did.

''Halt!'' A Elf Guard pointed a sword towards them. Everybody Huddled up against each other's backs as the Guards pointed their weapons at them. Y/N then reached in her pockets, and pulled out hot sauce packets.

''TASTE THE FLAMING INFERNO!'' Y/N exploded the packets, hot sauce reaching into the Elf Guards Eyes. They screamed as they dropped their weapons. Y/N was grinning from ear to ear, proud of herself.

''Edred?'' Edred turned to see his Own Brother.

''Aelwulf!'' Aelwulf ran to Edred. Y/N stopped Aelwulf in his tracks.

''You wanna get hot sauced?'' Y/N raised her eyebrows as she pointed a packet towards Aelwulf. Aelwulf Looked at Y/N, dumbfounded. Her wardrobe, messy hair, Aelwulf frowned as he grabbed one of the elf guard's weapons.

''Are you a witch?'' Aelwulf pointed. Edred looked at Aelwulf with a are you kidding me look. Y/N looked at Aelwulf with a angry face.

''I'm not a witch! Heck, I don't even know Witchcraft like some delulu person!'' Y/N placed her hot sauce away.

''Delulu?'' Edred replied.

''You are a witch! Your Wardrobe and Everything! Even these, 'hot sauce' packets you witches call.'' Aelwulf grabbed a hot sauce packet.


''I'd LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY, WITCH!'' Y/N and Aelwulf kept arguing over and over, until Edred finally snapped. His eye twitched, as he yelled.

''ENOUGH!'' Edred Yelled. He coughed a bit, gaining the Attention of Y/N and Aelwulf. ''Y/N is from the year 2023, and is not from our time. Me and the others are trying to get her back home to her terminally ill grandmother. Now if you please, stop arguing!'' Edred broke the fight. Y/N stuck out her tongue as she turned away.

''I do not believe that nonsense.'' Aelwulf crossed his arms, as Y/N and the others were placed on cuffs. Y/N screamed. She looked at Aelwulf, and then was tossed on a horse by the guards. Y/N had realized she had bobby pins and could break free. She with her mouth, picked a bobby pin from her hair. Moving her arms up, she picked the lock and the lock broke. She approached Edred who was on a different horse.

''Tell Melinda and the others, I'll come back. Going to play a little chase.'' Y/N smiled. Edred nodded. Y/N tossed the cuffs, and screamed. Aelwulf and two guards turned.

''SHE'S RUNNING AWAY! GET HER!'' Aelwulf pointed as two guards went after Y/N. Y/N being a little rebel, did a L with her fingers on her forehead. That only made the guards more angrier. Y/N turned around and screamed when the guards were closing in on her. One swung their sword, and Y/N dodged it. Y/N approached a cliff and the guards were approaching in on her. Y/N got off the horse and turned to face the guards.

''Goodbye, Amigos.'' Y/N fell off the cliff, and which the guards grunted in dismay and left. Y/N was still alive, but just hid on the cliff to actually make it look like she was dead. Climbing back up, she picked up her unused hot sauce packets and placed them in her pocket. She found an Elf Guard sword and picked it up. ''I have the power!'' She climbed up on the Horse and Started running to The Elf Kingdom.

''I am telling you brother, she is not a witch! You've witnessed her using hot sauce to defend herself and us too.'' Edred held up a Taco Bell Hot sauce packet. ''And she didn't use any magic.'' Edred crossed his arms frowning.

''She has you up in this sob story, and-'' Aelwulf was interrupted by screaming guards. They were screaming that she got the prisoners out, and even some were sobbing like blood shot eyes. Edred then smelled a mix of Picante, and some hints of hot peppers. The guards were sobbing as they scattered around fighting for water to clean their eyes.

''Thraen Is Here, and The Witch freed the others.'' The Main Guard had reported. Edred smiled while Aelwulf was not that happy. Meanwhile, with Y/N and the others.

''Is everybody alright?'' The Gang were on a cliff, along with a old guy holding a stick. The Old Man nodded.

''Excuse me, what is your name?'' The Old guy asked. Y/N turned around and smiled.

''Y/N!'' Y/N smiled as she shook his hand.

''I am Merlin.'' Merlin shook her hand back. Merlin had to know if this was true, this girl was selected for something Y/N hadn't known yet. He would tell her soon. Soon Enough. Melinda then turned.

''It's Edred And Aelwulf! They're fighting against some other person!'' Y/N squinted her eyes as to watch the battle.

'Melinda, do you think you can get me across there?'' Y/N pointed. Melinda lifted Y/N and carried her to the other tower. She then swung Y/N onto the tower. Edred turned and shoved Aelwulf back as Y/N landed with her sword in her arms.

''Who are you?'' Thraen pointed his weapon towards Y/N. Y/N smiled.

''A Person from another world, trying to get back home.'' Y/N pointed her sword at Thraen. Throwing the sword towards Edred, Edred caught it. Y/N pulled out a two hot sauce bottles, and shook them up. ''Taste THE FLAMING TACO BELL SAUCE!'' Y/N opened the lids and sprayed the sauce into Thraen's eyes. Thraen screamed as he dropped his sword. Y/N laughed as she tossed the bottles Aelwulf. Aelwulf screamed and dropped them in a quicky frenzy. Y/N ran to Thraen and kicked him in the face, knocking out some teeth. She then proceeded to give him two black eyes and one black broken nose.

Edred was cheering Y/N as she was currently beating Thraen's butt while Aelwulf was regretting everything he said. Once Thraen was beat by Hot sauce, two black eyes, and a black nose, Y/N took the satchel from thraen.

''Here you go, one Stone for two elves.'' Y/N handed it to Aelwulf. Aelwulf was flabbergasted.

''I am so sorry, for calling you well a witch.'' Aelwulf apologized.

''It's alright man, I accept ya's apology.'' Y/N smiled as she and Aelwulf did a fistbump.

''Me and the others should get going, but first I must restore things.'' Edred finally had let out a new dawn, new triumph and a new oath. Aelwulf waved goodbye to his brother, and the gang was on the move once again.

''Y/N, I have a question. What is Delulu?''

''Say you're delulsional.''

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