5. Avoiding Work?

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Nick's POV
We were getting to the end of December finally going into 2017

I just kinda want this year to be over, too much stress for me

I walked in to a room as Gibbs requested to see me privately

"You wanted to see me Gibbs?" I said closing the door

"Have you seen Gutierrez recently?" He asked I shook my head no, I don't spend time with her it's too awkward most of the time

"She took off two weeks from work and I'd understand cause it is closer to Christmas and all but nonetheless something seems off with her she didn't act like this before you got here" Gibbs said telling me the truth

"What do you mean?" I asked him confused a bit "Sofía was always on time for work hell she most of the time was here before everyone else was including me she also was the last one to leave now she is only here for a couple of hours and is always the first one gone" he told me

I knew something was wrong but part of me stopped myself from intervening as I don't want to bug her without reason even with reason I would be violating her personal space

"I don't know Gibbs things aren't easy between me and her" I told him "I know the tension is worse then me and all my ex wives combine"

I didn't know what to say but I knew he wanted me to talk to her

The conversation ended soon after and I went to go back to work

The elevator opened and 4 kids walked in, looking like y/n and me no younger than probably 11 or so

"Can I help you guys?" I asked them "we're looking for Sofía Gutierrez" the boy who seemed to be the oldest said he looked like me

What the hell?

"She isn't in today" I said honestly

"She was supposed to pick us up from school but didn't" the daughter said

"So who brought you here?" I asked worrying about these kids "our tío Romeo" they said

"What are your last names?" I asked "Torres" they all said and my heart dropped

And there comes Sofía

She quickly rushed out the kids without saying anything and part of me wanted to follow them but I knew I shouldn't

What the fuck have I gotten myself into? And why isn't Sofía telling me the truth

She never lied to me before, or did I just not noticed because I was blinded by love?

I hate this so much

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