Painful Revelations

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(3:20 to 3:37)
"How did he predict the springlocks?!" William shouted. "No one knows about this yet!"
Henry scratched his beard, unsettled.
"S-spinglocks?" Evan inquired.
"They won't hurt you, Evan," Henry reassured him. "Don't worry."
Evan smiled.
(3:37 to 4:06)
"Don't you think that's a little bit much, William?" Henry asked.
"Overprotective much, Father?" Michael remarked.
Evan's eyes grew wider when he learned that the cameras were even in his plush and his breaths became panicked.
"Don't panic just yet," William said. "I was only considering it since I am rather busy."
"F-Fredbear's not r-real?" Evan's eyes filled with tears as his voice became distorted by the lump in his throat.
William got up and knelt in front of his youngest son. "Son, I wanted you to have a friend. Someone who'd stay with you when I couldn't. I'm sorry."
Evan grinned and hugged the plush after wiping the tears from his eyes. "It's okay."
William smiled back at his son, then went back to his chair.
(4:06 to 4:10)
William and Henry laughed.
"I don't don't think he's right about this one, Will," Henry laughed.
"Absolutely not," William said. "I'd rather hire a babysitter than leave him with Mike."
Rolling his eyes, Michael chuckled, and admitted, "Probably the smarter choice you've made by far, Father."
(4:10 to 4:14)
"And, that's why," William chuckled.
(4:13 to 4:20)
"He does that anyway," William said.
"How can I not?" Michael laughed. Evan scooted away from him and held his plush close.
Smiling, Clara ran her fingers through Evan's shaggy brown hair and said to William and Michael, "Alright, you two. Just watch it."
(4:20 to 4:49)
Michael's eyes grew wide. How did this strange man predict the prank that only he knew? He hadn't even told his friends yet. He was still planning it.
William looked at Michael. "Promise me this is another false prediction, Michael."
Michael could only look at his father and chuckle nervously.
(4:49 to 5:05)
The entire room fell silent. Clara's hands clasped over her mouth in a mixture of shock and horror. Henry's face grew pale and William looked as though he wanted to kill Michael. However, he did not know why he felt this way. None of this had happened yet. Even if it was true, there was an opportunity to alter the course of time.
As for the kids, Elizabeth and Charlotte both rushed to Evan and hugged him, crying "No!" Michael's mouth hung open in disbelief and his face grew blood red. He was not embarrassed in the usual sense. No, he was ashamed and horrified at his prank and what it would cause.
William stood. "Michael, are you truly planning on putting your brother inside of Fredbear's mouth?"
With hesitation, Michael admitted to his plans. To which, William rubbed his face in an attempt to calm himself before he spoke to his child again.
"How many times have both Henry and I explained to you the dangers of the animatronics?" William asked. "How many times?!"
Michael could not answer. He simply rose and walked toward the bathroom. As he walked, tears fell from his eyes. Not wanting anyone to see, he walked faster.
"Get back here!" William yelled.
Shaking from shock, Clara lowered her hands and said, "William, let him go. W-We don't know if it'll happen, but...if it is to happen, and we know about it, we can take precautions to avoid it."
William walked back to his chair. "That boy won't. He is like me in the worst ways. If he wants to do something, he will do it. No one can change his mind.
Evan clung to his sister and best friend and sobbed uncontrollably. How could his big brother do that to him? Nevertheless, he still loved Michael. He already forgave him for it, though it hadn't happened yet. He only wanted to know why.
(5:05 to 5:43)
Henry wondered what William's plan would be to bring his son back to life, but he didn't say anything. Though Evan was still alive, he recognized the signs of grief within William. He recognized them because he had recently gone through the loss of a loved one; his wife. He considered himself to be William's friend, so he sat and grieved with him.
(5:43 to 6:16)
"Of course," William said. "As if that weren't enough, we'd have to abandon those suits." He took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. "Henry, I want to stop production on those blasted suits immediately."
Henry sighed but did not object. "I understand."
(6:16 to 6:43)
"You know I love him, Clara, but honestly," William began. "If this is to happen, he deserves this. My mother taught me 'You reap what you sow'. If he does this, he's brought this on himself."
(6:43 to 6:58)
"I need a drink right now," William mumbled as he grabbed his purple flask from the end table beside him and drank.
Clara hated him drinking. She had come from an abusive home with a drunk man, and seeing William drink from his flask brings back horrid memories.
(6:58 to 7:45)
"Must be Cassidy and her gang," Henry said. "She's always giving Charlie a hard time."
"It's okay, though, Daddy!" Charlotte said. "I forgive them!"
"You're too easy on them, Charlie," Henry said, smiling. He was glad that she was forgiving, but ultimately afraid that she would be taken advantage of because of it.
(7:45 to 8:24)
William rushed over to the VCR and hastily ejected the tape. Henry stood as Charlotte hid behind him. William's wife and his two children who remained in the living room were too shocked to speak.
"Henry, it hasn't happened yet-"
"But it will, Afton," Henry growled.
"You don't know that!" William said. "None of these half-baked predictions have been proven to be true!"
"He was right about your feelings toward me, wasn't he?" Henry's anger boiled because of William's eventual betrayal. "He was right about our springlock suits when we haven't even told our families. He was right about your plans for our future animatronics. He was right about your son's prank! Why wouldn't he be right about this?"
William paled and grew silent for a moment. Then, he spoke. "Please, Henry... Just sit down. If it hasn't happened yet, there's an opportunity to change these events, right?"
Henry huffed. Then, he said, "Fine. I'll watch them. But if nothing changes, we're through." He then sat down.
William inserted the tape back into the VCR and sat down. It resumed.
(8:24 to 9:32)
"You working on any of those projects now?" Henry asked.
"I would tell you if I was," William answered.
Henry rubbed his face, and mumbled, "There are a lot of secrets you're keeping from me, William."
Michael walked back into the living room with red eyes and he immediately felt the unsettling atmosphere.
"What happened?" Michael mumbled.
"Your father's true self was recently exposed," Henry answered.
Michael was puzzled by what that could mean, but he did not push it. He simply sat down on the couch. Evan stared at him with tears in his eyes and leaned his head on his big brother's shoulder.
(9:32 to 10:34)
When Evan saw the familiar nightmares on screen, he clung to his older brother for protection.
"I'm not a test subject, Father," Michael said. "Why would you-"
"It hasn't happened yet!" William snapped. He was horrified at what he would become.
(10:34 to 11:03)
A security guard? Michael thought. Why would I become a security guard?
He looked down at his younger brother. Guiltily, he wrapped one arm around him, and Evan smiled.
(11:03 to 11:30)
That's not really a surprise, thought Clara. Should something like this happen, he wouldn't handle it well.
(11:30 to 11:47)
"Mommy?" Elizabeth called, tears in her eyes.
Clara rushed to her and picked her up. As she attempted to calm her, she took Elizabeth to bed. Neither she nor Clara could endure much more of those tapes.
(11:47 to 12:33)
Henry glared at William, Charlotte clinging to his side.
"You sick bastard," Henry said.
William could not even look at him. All he could do was sigh in disbelief of what he would become.
(12:33 to 13:37)
"That's the justice system," Henry muttered. William walking away free was no surprise to him. The justice system was next to useless anyway.
(13:37 to 13:47)
"Sorry, William, but if this ever did happen, you would be dared to enter another Freddy Fazbear's," Henry said.
William's gaze remained fixated on the screen. He hated the idea of being thrown out of his own company, but he understood why he would be, though he would sooner die than admit that.
(13:47 to 15:46)
"Why, Father?" Michael asked.
"You've missed a lot, Michael, but this isn't the first time he'll kill," Henry explained.
William did not have a defense. He simply watched the tape.
(15:46 to 16:24)
"Are they g-ghosts?" Evan stuttered, burying his face into his brother's shirt.
"There is no such thing," Charlotte said in an attempt to calm Evan down. "Right, Daddy?"
"At this point, I would believe anything," Henry responded.
Michael did not care about anything else recorded on this VHS tape. His mind was fixated on what he would do. Moreso, why or how would his brother forgive him after such a heinous crime?
(16:24 to 18:23)
William turned away, horrified at his daughter's eventual fate. Henry held Charlotte close as she soaked his shirt with tears, and Evan had not been watching for a while. He continued to cling to his brother.
(18:23 to 18:49)
"G-Ghosts are r-real?" Charlotte stuttered.
Henry took in a deep breath. "It would seem so, sweety."
"None of this has happened yet, Henry," William repeated.
"Okay," Henry said. "Just know that if things remain the same, it's over. The franchise, our partnership...our friendship is over."
(18:49 to 20:22)
William had a confused expression on his face. What exactly was he witnessing?
"There's a man I know who's experimenting with haunted objects," Henry said. "He called the energy that these objects have 'agony'. He says that they're not possessed by spirits, but intense emotion. Maybe that's what's happening here."
(20:22 to 21:32)
"You reap what you sow, William," Henry said. "Remember that."
(21:32 to 22:07)
"You preach about forgiveness and claim the moral high ground, but yet you will leave me to die in one of those suits?" William yelled, causing Evan to cry. Michael did not know what to say or do, so he just stayed silent.
"You can't talk, William," Henry said. "You will kill Lord knows how many kids because your son will die!"
"Stop it!" Clara approached the living room. "You are both acting like children! These things have not happened yet! William, you even said this! We can change things."
"I'm sorry, Clara, but your husband is the most stubborn-"
"So are you, Henry!" Clara interrupted. "Don't act like you aren't!"
William walked over to the VCR and ejected the tape, saying, "I've had enough of this."
"Running, Afton?" Henry asked. "Go."
"I'm taking these bloody tapes back to that Hermit! Things were okay before he gifted us these damned tapes."
Henry huffed, and said, "Very well. But, if you do that, and change nothing, like I said, you and I are finished."
Without another word, William tossed the tape back into the box and closed it with a loud metallic clang! He picked it up and stormed out the door, leaving his wife distraught, Henry devastated, and the children shocked.
That was it. William, the stubborn man he was, had denied them all the chance to change the natural course of time. He sped off in his purple Monte Carlo toward the police station to "talk" with this Hermit.

A/N: Thank you all for your patience. I apologize for taking a little bit with this chapter. There's just a lot to take in with this video. Also, I want to explain a few choice words in this chapter; the two "curses" in this chapter are found in the Bible and both William and Henry use them as intended in the Bible. Damned just means a heavy condemnation, mostly used to describe a soul getting condemned to Hell. Bastard is simply a fatherless child, which is an insult to William that Henry decided to use. Please, remember to comment, save, and vote! Thank you all for reading!

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