The First Tape

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A/N: First of all, thank you all for having patience with me. I had to introduce the story first. Can't very well start it in the middle, can I? Anyway, the reaction chapters will work a little differently than the other chapters. See the video at the top of the page? Throughout these reaction chapters, I will leave timestamps during certain reactions. When those timestamps appear, that means the dialogue is about the content between them. For example; if before a reaction or dialogue, I leave (3:15 to 3:24), the dialogue is about the content between timestamps 3:15 to 3:24. Anyway, I hope you enjoy! Don't forget to comment, save, vote, and follow for stories like this one!

William inserted the VHS tape marked "1" in red ink. At least, he hoped it was ink. Once it was in, he stepped back and sat in his chair off to the left. Henry and his daughter joined Michael on the sofa and Evan sat directly next to Michael, much to Michael's annoyance. Elizabeth crawled up on William's lap.
Static filled the screen as a man's high-pitched voice came through the speakers. William was already regretting this. Finally, color shown on the screen, and a clear picture replaced the static.
(3:15 to 3:38)
"We know this already," William said. "I endured it myself and do not wish to be reminded."
"You were in the Great Depression?" Henry inquired.
William sighed. "Yes, I was. I was only five years old at the time, but I remember it as vividly as I remember yesterday."
"So, you don't remember it at all?" Michael snickered.
"Uncle Henry, he was looking for the keys to Fredbear's yesterday only to find out they were in his pocket," Michael continued.
"Oh, that's no surprise," Henry said, grinning at William.
"Thanks a lot, old friend," William sarcastically remarked.
(3:38 to 3:47)
"Fredbear's is that old?" Michael asked.
"Not exactly, Mike," William answered. "I was inspired by it."
(3:47 to 4:10)
"Fredbear was real?!"
"Fifty cents?!"
Both William and Henry told Evan and Michael to settle down and watch the video. Henry smiled, but it was obvious that he had no idea what it was like to live with them. William kind of envied him for that.
(4:10 to 4:46)
William's children all looked at him as did Henry and his daughter. William groaned.
"I supposed this is meant to be one of his mad conspiracy theories," he said, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. "Another half-baked prediction."
"William, we don't have to watch this," Henry said. "You know that, right?"
"No, I told him we would," William replied. "I'd like to think myself to be a man of my word."
"Okay, then."
(4:46 to 5:13)
"You were inspired by Walt?" Henry asked with a smile.
William smiled to himself. "He was one of my childhood heroes."
"What kind of sad childhood did you have?" Michael mumbled.
"Mike, Walt Disney was an innovator in child entertainment. I was and still am fascinated by his work. As your mother often tells you, don't speak unless you have something positive to say."
Michael rolled his eyes. "Whatever."
(5:13 to 5:51)
"You made Bonnie, Daddy?" Elizabeth asked, staring up at William with her gentle emerald eyes.
"Yes, I did, sweetheart," William answered. "I thought it might be lonely for Fredbear to be alone on stage, so I made him a friend. Of course, back then, they looked completely different than how they look now."
"H-how did they l-look?" Evan stuttered. He was terrified of them now, he shuddered to imagine what they were like before.
"They were much skinnier, for starters," William chuckled. He knew his son was afraid of the animatronics, but did not know how to ease him of his fears. However, that did not stop him from attempting to make his son feel better.
In this instance, he seemed to have succeeded, as Evan smiled shyly at him. Evan never smiles, so if one were able to make him smile, one should be proud. It was a grand accomplishment should one succeed in making him laugh.
(5:51 to 6:21)
"Why?" Michael chuckled.
"Because my idea was successful," William answered Michael.
Henry rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, knowing what happened next.
"I didn't mean to do what I did, William," he said. "The people that I was working for wanted me to make them. I assure you, it's nothing more than that."
William glared at Henry, and in a monotonous voice, he said, "I'm sure."
"What did Uncle Henry do, Daddy?" Elizabeth asked.
"Watch, Elizabeth," William replied. "See what kind of man your 'Uncle' Henry is."
"I told you what happened, Will," Henry protested.
"And I know what I saw."
"Sometimes, your own eyes can deceive you, Will."
(6:21 to 6:56)
"Daddy?" Charlotte looked up at her father.
"Wow, Unc. Didn't know you had it in you," Michael snickered.
"It wasn't like that, Mike," Henry defended himself. He then turned to his daughter. "Honey, my bosses wanted me to make those robots. When your boss wants you to do something, you have to do it no matter what. If you don't, you might get fired."
William glared at Henry before turning his attention back to the television.
(6:56 to 7:05)
"Daddy was jealous?" Elizabeth asked in a sweet tone.
Henry shrugged. This was news to him, but once he recalled their time as business partners, it began to make more sense that he was jealous.
(7:05 to 7:47)
"'Nedd Bear'? Wow," Michael said. "Didn't even try to hide it, did you, Henry."
"Like I said, Mike, it's not that simple," Henry replied.
"Yes, Mike," William interjected. "Henry stole from me."
"You saw the characters in my restaurant. You saw how successful it is. The only thing that makes sense is that you wanted to capitalize off of it."
Henry sighed and adjusted his glasses. He knew how stubborn and prideful his partner was. It simply was not worth arguing over the past.
Charlotte hugged him to make him feel better and Henry hugged her back. He loved his daughter. He did not know what he would do without her.
(7:47 to 8:08)
"Didn't see that coming," Michael sarcastically remarked.
"W-What does bankr-bank-bank-rupt mean?" Evan asked his father, stuttering over the word "bankrupt," as he did not quite know how to pronounce it.
William smiled falsely at his son, and answered, "Bankrupt means your business runs out of money. Your...Uncle Henry was...'kind' enough to aid me."
(8:08 to 9:05)
"Who's Gregory?" Charlotte and Evan both asked.
"I...don't know," Henry answered.
Clara finally emerged from the kitchen and approached the couch. She leaned on the couch between Evan and Michael, and said, "'Gregory' was what we were going to name you, Evan. But, sometime before you were born, your grandfather passed away. We named you after him."
Evan, once again, smiled shyly. He appreciated this information far more than they knew.
(9:05 to 9:20)
"You mean those things are still around?" Michael chuckled.
"My thoughts exactly, Mike," William said as he stared at Henry.
"I'd like to keep them around, Will," Henry explained. "You never know when we'll need them."
William rolled his eyes at this but said nothing else.
(9:20 to 9:33)
"I love that show!" Charlotte exclaimed. Evan hugged his Fredbear plush tightly in agreement.
(9:32 to 9:48)
"How is that new restaurant, by the way, William?" Clara asked.
"I suppose it's successful," William chuckled. "My focus is primarily the diner for now."
"They're mostly independent," Henry said. "We trust them. Well, I do, anyway." Henry laughed awkwardly.
(9:48 to 10:16)
"Aw, Daddy." Elizabeth hugged her father.
"I would like to know how he knows my mind," William slowly said. "No one, not even you, knows how I felt."
Henry just looked at him. It was a fantastic question. How could this man know William's emotions when he was so careful to keep his emotions hidden?
(10:16 to 10:35)
"Could I borrow one of those old suits, Father?" Michael asked.
"No reason," Michael replied, smirking at his father.
"Michael, you're not getting one of the old suits so you can torment your brother."
(10:35 to 11:05)
They all looked at William. He had not told anyone of his ambitions yet, but this stranger predicted all of them. How could a complete stranger know his plans when neither his family nor his partner knew?
(11:05 to 11:38)
When the man said, "And tragedy was about to strike," the VHS tape distorted and ejected.
"That was interesting," William said.
"Definitely," Henry agreed.
Terrified, Evan held his plush close, and asked, "W-what did he mean by that last part?"
"I don't know," William answered. "I don't know how he could know so much. I haven't told anyone of my plans!"
"Well, it's said that he's a 'prophet'," Henry said skeptically. "Maybe there is some truth to that?"
"Come now, Henry," William said. "You don't truly believe that, do you?"
"I'm skeptical, as you are," said Henry. "But, it's worth considering."
"Can we watch the next one?" Charlotte asked.
"Yeah, I'd like to see how you'll ruin us, old man," said Michael with a smirk.
"Michael, don't disrespect your father," Clara ordered.
With nothing left to discuss, William put Elizabeth back on the floor and went over to the metal box, picked up the tape marked "2," and inserted it into the VHS slot. He was not looking forward to this one. This strange Hermit already knew too much about him and his family, despite never coming into contact with them except on a few occasions, most of which both Henry and William had to forcefully remove him from the premises. No matter how much William wanted to stop, he felt compelled to continue onward.

The Aftons and Emilies React to Game TheoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora