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What if a man was explicitly told his future? What would he change? Would he remain the same, apathetic and cold toward whoever he may hurt? Or would he attempt to avoid the darkest parts of himself? The chapters of this tale explore that question.
The Aftons and Emilies were normal families. They had a thriving business. However, when the oldest Afton child decided to pull a stupid prank on his younger brother, the family spiraled down a whirlpool of destruction. It does not have to be this way. If William Afton knew what would happen, what measures would he take to avoid it? How many lives would be spared? How many children would have a full life, a life they would not have otherwise?
On the outskirts of Hurricane, Utah lived a lone hermit with his family. A young eccentric man who happened to be a prophet. He was shown the future of these families and their restaurant franchise. Unlike the prophets of old, he had no idea about his visions. He spent a decade trying to piece together what he saw, and finally, he did just that. Instead of simply writing it, he recorded it on four VHS tapes. Now, he must deliver them to these two families that are bound for destruction.

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