"He's mine, got it?"

Comenzar desde el principio

Rindou really didn't care all that much, but he couldn't help but to take notice of his older brother's fixated gaze on the boy he had just scared off, his eyebrow arching. Honestly, he wanted to get inside and out of the rain more than anything.

"What?" The younger brother finally asked.

"Nah, it's nothing. That guy just kind of looked familiar. Anywho, let's go see Babes," Ran decided to let it go as his tone quickly became more light hearted since they were at his favorite human being's place.

The charismatic duo quickly entered the home and took their shoes off, feeling the warmth of the interior of her home. It was nice and cozy, just how they liked it.

"Baby Babes~" the blonde and black haired boy called out happily with a flowery aura around him and everything, his happiness oozing out of him.

Well, how could one blame him? He hadn't seen the Hell's Angel in literally forever, he had wanted this day to come for so longgggggg. However, when he had called out to the girl, to which she always responded in some sort of manner, Ran and Rindou didn't hear a single thing. That scared the brothers for a second because of the silence in the home.

However, the younger Haitani brother noticed a figure laying down on the couch, slightly buried by pillows with her guard dog standing next right by her head.

"Holy shit, is she sleeping?" Rindou asked as he and his older brother stood at one end of the couch, staring at (Y/N)'s sleeping figure, her mouth slightly agape, which meant she was out.

"Thaaaaaat's not normal," Ran added in a very drawn out manner.

Now, the (h/c) and white haired girl loved her sleep, that was a known fact. Because Ran may or may not have been smacked for accidentally waking her up when he was staying over. But, she wasn't one to take naps all that much during the day. Very rarely. Even when she was sick, (Y/N) was always up doing something.

Naps weren't her thing, so this was a little odd.

Kind of growing a little concerned, the brothers started making their way over to the couch, at which point, Tiberius perked up and trotted over to the oldest Haitani. Ran greeted the dog with pets on his head.

"Hey, boy," the blonde and black haired boy softly greeted the pooch while continuing to pet him before the Doberman went over to Rindou to get more loving, which the blonde and light blue haired boy gladly obliged as he sat down near the girl's feet on her couch.

The older Haitani soon quietly leaned down toward her head. Now, that's how he got smacked the very first time, because usually she'd be able to sense if someone was nearby in her sleep. It was like a sixth sense. But this time, the gangster girl didn't move an inch. In fact, she let out a small snore, her arm that was resting against one of the pillows by her body falling off and was now swinging back and forth off the side of the couch.

"Good god, she's way out," Ran kind of backed off a little bit, not sure what to do because he didn't want to wake her, but he also wanted to know if she was okay.

Rindou scooted a little closer, sitting at her side as she continued to stay fast asleep. That's when he noticed the dark circles under her eyes, how they were slightly sunken in. It almost looked unhealthy.

"Goddamn, she looks tired," the younger brother muttered as he kind of leaned down a little bit to get a better look at her face.

He wouldn't ever say it to her, but Rindou thought she looked like she was a zombie that had just risen from the dead. Yeah, that was gonna earn him a smack. Especially if she was in one of her lovely moods when she woke up. Somebody had the reputation of being a cranky pants whenever she was woken up.

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