" Don't you ever say dumb shit like that ever again."

" Don't you ever say dumb shit like that ever again."

" Don't you ever say dumb shit like that ever again."

It replayed in my head over and over again. I cried my way to an unfamiliar place. I just couldn't handle this anymore. Was it not true? Did he really not love me anymore?
I got my phone out and started texting the person I trust the most.

8:35 am

Tae!! 😣
Kai can you pick me up, I'm at ____

Ofc!!! Did something happen I thought u were js gonna go to a cafe lol

Tae!! 😣
I don't wanna talk abt it rn.

Oh okay, I'll be there soon I hope you're okay :(

Tae!! 😣
Thanks <3

I was currently sitting on a bench nearby a park. I felt heartbroken and tears kept falling non stop. I felt dead inside. Why does it hurt so bad with him? I know I shouldn't feel this way but, I still love him. I really don't want to end this relationship but I know I should. My gut is telling me to leave for good but I can't.

' why didn't I trust my gut? '

Beomgyu's pov

I really did fuck up huh? Something inside me snapped and I hit him. I feel guilty, and I rarely feel guilt. What hurts most is that I knew Taehyun really did love me and I just broke his heart one by one.

I heard a door open and I looked up with hope. Hope that he came back, hope that he starts running towards me and hugs me. But, it was just my roommate. Great.

"Wow you look like shit!" Laughed Seonghwa. God I hate him, seriously not only do I hate how ridiculously attractive he is but his perfect relationship...

"You're no help." I said as I walked to my room closing it and locking it.

I hope Taehyun is doing alright. I have a really bad habit of being a player. Yeah I'm sexually active and most relationships I was in was just for that. I needed somebody to take my anger out on. Other than intercourse I was never physical with my partners. I hate people like that because it reminded me of him.

Fuck. Thinking about it is making me feel worse. I need to make this right, I need to find Taehyun.

I got up from my bed put on a coat and headed out.
I walked and walked looking for only one person in my mind. What felt like hours I was met with a park. And a figure on a bench, I approached them and immediately recognized him.


I saw him look up. I saw the hurt in his eyes, his beautiful face stained with tears. He looked so weak.. My heart ached knowing I was the cause of this.

"What do you want."

"I'm sorry.. I am really am-'


An unfamiliar voice called his name, I looked to see where the voice was coming from, and was met with an unfamiliar face. Who is this guy?

"Kai.. "

Kai? I've never heard of that name before, does he even go to our college? Or is it some nobody.

I watched as Taehyun ran up and hugged him. Face burried in his chest, I felt my fist clenching.
' Not the time to be jealous Beomgyu. '

"Hey, can I talk to Taehyun for a moment?"

I asked this Kai guy, having hope that he would be understanding.

"Oh uhm!"

He was cut off.

"Kai.. I want to go.."

That's when my heart broke. Having to see them both leave and not look back at me once hurt. I know I deserve it but I want to make things right again, I would do anything to make him forgive me. Anything.

I stood In silence trying to comprehend everything and I started shaking out of anger and guilt.

"Hey uhm, is everything alright..?"

I looked up in shock when I saw who it was.


Hongjoong's pov

Me and Seonghwa went in different directions after our date. It's currently 11:45 am this day feels long,
On my way to my dorm I saw someone familiar. I sighed when I realized who it was Choi Beomgyu.

I was originally going to ignore him and go on with my day until I noticed something... off...? He seems upset like he's about to break any second. The people pleaser in me wanted to help him. So I hesitantly approached him.

"Hey uhm, is everything alright..?

"Hongjoong? What are you doing here.. "

He mumbled not in a mood to talk, but the curiosity got to me so I began to ask questions.

"I was just going on a walk.. Did something happen? You seem to be down."

"Nothing happened."

"You can be honest with me, I'm open to help!"

"Hah... You really are a good person Hongjoong. Even after everything I've done to you.."

"I believe in second chances Beomgyu. So tell me, what's been on your mind?"

And that's when Beomgyu broke down. Tears flowing down his face and he started to tell me everything that happened from begins to end. I hugged him and he started to sob more onto my shoulder, not caring who's watching.

" What the fuck is that asshole doing with my boyfriend. "


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