"I'm sorry," Tink sniffed while grabbing the piece of tissue that Diana was handing her. She quickly wiped her face before clearing her throat as she looked back up. "I'm sorry. I hate crying.. I don't do it often but I'm really hurt. I'm hurt for my best friend and her little brother, I'm hurt for myself, I'm hurt for anyone else grieving this loss and I'm hurt for Samir, he didn't deserve this."

"And I just wish I could talk to him one more time. Just o-one more time. That boy gave me an headache damn near everyday but there was no love lost. No matter how many times we tried cutting each other off, we still ended up falling asleep on the phone the next day. He was honestly a good person to talk to. Ima miss his voice, his touch, his annoying singing and his corny jokes."

"It's crazy cause literally the day before Syira's graduation rehearsal, he was telling me how he had a surprise for you the day you graduated," She said, now looking at Syira. "And I'm like what's the surprise? He's like I'm not telling yo big mouth ass so you can ruin the shit," She mocked him and everyone started laughing.

"Excuse my language but I'm like excuse the heck out of me then!" She threw her hands up in surrender. Syira laughed while wiping a lone tear away from her face.

"Now all we can do is wonder what his surprise is. But don't dwell on it too much Syira. And I just want you to know I'm here for you. I know I tell you this everyday but I really am. Don't ever give up, your youngest brother looks up to you and I know he's one of your biggest motivations," Tink said.

"Andd.. that's all. May Samir rest in peace," She smiled before holding the mic out. Diana grabbed it and she walked off the stage. She walked up to Syira and gave her a small hug before going to her seat which was behind her.

"Alright. I'm going to call up the immediate family next; Syira and Sekani. The grandparents apparently couldn't show up but we not gon focus on that," Diana spoke with an eye roll.

Syira hesitantly stood up. She tried to sit Sekani down but he wouldn't let go so she walked on stage with him in her arms. She honestly didn't even prepare herself for what she was going to say. She told herself she was going to write something down but her mind went completely blank when she tried to.

"Don't think too hard. It doesn't have to be long either," Her aunt whispered to her while placing the microphone in her hand.

She nodded, her eyes scanning the room. Everyone's eyes were on her and it was dead silent, if she wasn't stuck before, she was definitely stuck now. It seemed like she was standing there for the longest before speaking. "Um.." She started.

"To be honest I don't really know what to say. I didn't prepare myself for this, I guess I was still in denial until this morning when I actually realized I was going to have to see my brother laying in a casket," She said while looking at the floor. She couldn't keep eye contact with anybody in the crowd so she decided to look down.

"But I know that my brother is at peace. It would've been a blessing if he made it but the biggest blessing is meeting the man above and he was granted just that. We're gonna miss him so much. Everyone is. I'm glad all these people came and showed up for my brother, it really means a lot," She smiled a bit.

"I—" Before she could finish, the doors were loudly swung open and in walked someone she was not expecting to see so soon.

Everyone turned around, some jaws were dropped as others gasped and some murmuring some stuff when they saw Sadie walking into the church. She looked extremely rough, her clothes were dirty and so was she. She was wearing the same clothes from the day of the accident which was almost 2 weeks.

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