chapter six

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Jeongguk may have taken the role of Cupid a tad bit too seriously.

''Um, this doesn't really look like an emergency.'' Yoongi shouts in his ear when they enter Hoseok's party.

''Trust me, you want to be here.'' Jeongguk doesn't technically know Yoongi, and creepily enough he went to his apartment and begged him to help him out with something. Jeongguk knew it would work, Yoongi is the kindest soul on earth and would never say no.

Which explains how he has Yoongi walking beside him.

''All right, go take some shots. Let loose.'' Jeongguk is saying it on purpose, because by the table of shots stands Jimin with Taehyung.

Yoongi continues to question Jeongguk, until the angel knocks into Jimin and he lands right into Yoongi. Perfect.



Jeongguk watches the scene play out, and with the smiles on both Jimin and Yoongi's faces, nothing could be more perfect than it is.

''I love your costume!''

''Thank you, it's from Marvel.''

''Truth be told, I've never seen a Marvel movie in my life.'' Yoongi continues the conversation and Jeongguk winces, because now Jimin will be offended and fuck, maybe he should've never played Cupid in the first place and—

''Me neither.'' Jimin admits and Jeongguk is stunned by that.

He remembers his own night meeting Jimin where he had talked to him all night about Marvel, after pointing out the accurate Black Widow costume.

Before Jeongguk wants to ask any questions, he decides to leave and wander around to have some fun himself.

He walks to a more quiet area in Hoseok's apartment and catches Taehyung making himself a plate of all kinds of candies that's laid out on a table.

''Pepper Potts, it's nice to meet you.''

Taehyung turns around with a smile, chuckling when he checks out Jeongguks' Iron Man suit.

''Congratulations, you're the first person to guess my costume.''

''Oh really? That's sad.'' It is. How come there aren't any fucking Marvel fans at this party? Jeongguk makes it his life's mission to make sure Hoseok gains some friends with better taste in movies.

''Truly depressing.'' Taehyung agrees quickly, popping a candy corn in his mouth.

''Iron Man is kinda cheesy. I mean, non-Marvel fans know him. It's basically cheating.'' Taehyung continues, giggling when he sees how Jeongguk doesn't take it as an offensive comment but rather playful banter.

''All right, but at least I'm not dressed like Lou from Ratatouille.'' He doesn't know why he feels the need to make a joke out of the guy Taehyung kissed of all people. But he does, and it feels great.

Taehyung watches how the guy tries to hit on three girls, one of them dressed as a cat and he begins to laugh.

''Hey, I'm Taehyung.''

''Jeongguk. Nice to meet you.''

The conversation continues to run smoothly, and it's enjoyable for both. Jeongguk truly loves talking to Taehyung and it's always been easy, despite Taehyung wanting to make jokes out of Jeongguk's appearance whenever he's gotten the chance.

''Wanna do some shots? I may or may not have stolen the whole bottle.'' Taehyung admits and Jeongguk grins, nodding to his crazy idea.

They sit outside, on the balcony that's empty and shots have never tasted better. Maybe it's because he feels at ease with Taehyung, and the fact that Yoongi and Jimin are slowly beginning to fall in love, as it always should've been.

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