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No one pov
TW!!! Drowning,death

It was eight years ago when Perth had a fight with Chimon. The fight that made him rethink if he only thinks of chimon as an enemy. It was about Chimon and Perth arguing but Chimon accidentally fell into the water with Perth.Though Chimon didn't know how to swim. He ended up drowning. They sent Chimon to the hospital which left Perth traumatized. About three weeks later it had been confirmed that Chimon was no more.

Chimon had died..

Perth then woke up from the nightmare he has been having since that day. Chimon wasn't dead, Perth wasn't a kid anymore. And their relationship wasn't the same.Perth had already thought of keeping distance from Chimon after that day.but how? No matter what the two did their parents never grew apart or blamed anyone for what has happened.
"Hey are you alright" Chimon asked Perth who had just woken up from the nightmare.
"Y-yeah!" Perth replied as moves Chimon and heads to the bathroom. Chimon doesn't have any memory of that day. I mean why would he. Perth washed his face though he only could think of what his life would be without Chimon.
"I made breakfast" Chimon said as he sat down with his food
"I'm sorry" Perth said.
"Huh?" Chimon replied. " for what"
"For everything, ignoring your feelings ,being rude to you and for not being a good friend " Perth said with tears forming.
"Hey, it's alright, i apologize too for the same thing" Chimon said as he hugged Perth. " you don't need to deal with what you go through alone, you know"
"Why do you care so much" Perth asked.
"Because I love you dumbo" chimon said smiling. " even when I try not to I can't"
Perth hugged Chimon tighter after he said that. Chimon felt like the light in Perth's eyes.
" I love you too" Perth says. Before kissing Chimons cheek
This was the first time after for so long that any of them showed positive reactions so it felt nice to have them back I guess you could say.


Frank didn't really remember what happened but he did know he liked Drake. Yeah Frank was annoyed by the dude but it didn't stop there because feelings unfolded Frank also would get nightmares which had to do with the accident. The accident that happened wasn't what it seemed. It was about Drake and Frank swimming in the pool as kids and when Drake saved Frank, he got hurt from a kid throwing a stone leading Frank to fall again. By that time Franks mom came outside and saw Drake helping up Frank. It didn't look like what it was but Franks mom had gotten mad and sworn that Drake was trying to murder Frank. It led Drake and his mom to move away and never speak to Frank ever again. Well until that day of the party. Frank didn't know Drake but when he got tipsy he started spitting out things to the drunk Drake.
"I missed you so much my loverrr~" Frank said.
"I missed you too~" Drake said
Nothing changed though because the next day they had forgotten everything.
Now it was present day the day after Frank had kissed Drake.
Drake didn't leave that night and decided to stay but why when he knew he would have still gotten hurt. Because Frank told him not to leave. Drake couldn't sleep all night because he knew even though Frank said not to leave Frank's mom had a different answer. In the morning Drake heard a loud knock. And then a yell.
And as she did the door slammed open. It was her. The one who came into Drakes nightmares.
"So,I see the bags but why do I still see you in this room" the mom asked quite clearly which scared Drake even more.
"I told him to stay" Frank said as he woke up.
"Why?" She asked. "Son let him leave it's the best for you."

"Mom I think you should leave, this room is mine and my boyfriends" Frank said. "And i remember clear enough to know he didn't hurt me"

"No way are you dating the person I told you to stay away from!" She yelled at Frank about to slap him but as he didn't Drake held her hand and tried to calm her down.
She ended up leaving the dorm alone that day.but with a smile.
I want you to be happy with us being together, and even if you don't believe me, I didn't hurt Frank" Drake said. As he did she started crying.
"I know you didn't, but I could only blame you even though I knew it was an accident" she cried.
"That day I came back into the hospital room and saw you holding his hand for forgiveness and I heard you tell him that you would be protecting him from afar because you couldn't be close anymore" she explained.

It hurt Frank to hear that his mom was hiding such a big thing from him but he did understand what Drake and his mom went through when Frank had forgotten. Franks mom then hugged Drake and wiped her tears.
"I'm sorry, and thank you Drake thank you" she said smiling. "I also approve of you two"
As she left Frank went up to Drake and kissed him again but smiling after.
"Thank you for protecting me" Frank said.




Hi y'all!! I'm so sorry for how long it has been! I had writers block and I also was travelling so I barely got time to focus on writing! I apologize but I hope you guys had a great summer!! Also let me know what I should do next! We are still writing our Aunprom book so check that out too!! I hope you guys eat and drink! and stay safe! Love Sophie <3

MOONLIGHT 🌙 (PerthChimon FF) drakefrank sides plus ohmnanonWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt