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No one pov

When Chimon and Perth were younger they looked up to Gemini and Fourth a lot. They wanted to hate each other only because they were inspired by them. But now all those years acting like they hated each other has gone to dust.
Chimon didn't understand why he was crying as he got inside their dorm room he started to sob. He saw a picture of them on the desk. They were looking at each other while crossing their arms and making a pout.
"Why'd I say I wanted to be enemies" Chimon shouts. Without realizing Perth had come inside the room.
"It was because we wanted to be like Gemini and Fourth" Perth said. "Did you really start to hate me just because you liked her?"
"Wh-what?" Chimon asked confused.


Frank was inside his room re thinking about what happened earlier.
"He didn't tell me he knew Perth" Frank finally said.
"Hey it's okay" Drake says while cleaning up.
"No it's not" Frank said. "We are best friends, he never even told me he had his first kiss"
"I think Chimon had his reasonings, didn't you see there how he was reacting" Drake explained. "Those two have history and it obvious they have feelings for each other but can't see it"
"But Chimon told me he likes Nanon" Frank accidentally said.
"Hey don't worry I won't tell anyone that, but Perth also said he likes Nanon" Drake said.
"This is confusing, and you are also not the type of person I thought you were" Frank said.
"That kid was my little brother" Drake said.
"Huh?" Frank said.
"The kid I was shouting at, he was my brother" Drake said. "I was shouting at him because he told me that my mom said I'm the reaosn his dad died"
"You aren't the reason his dad died were you" Frank asked.
"No, there was a car crash which led his parents and my crush to leave me" drake said as tears fell down.
"Hey, it's okay, I'll be here for you then, if you would like" Frank said as he wiped his tears.
"And plus I like you better when you smile"
Drake smiled and hugged Frank.
"I missed you" he cried.
Frank didn't understand why he said that but he guessed Frank reminded Drake of his crush.
"It's okay" Frank said as he patted Drakes head and after a while realized he fell asleep. "Sleep tight bunny"
Frank put Drake into his bed and puts the blanket on him.
"You better show me who you liked" Frank said as he closed the light and laid on his bed.
"It's you" Drake faintly said.
Which confused Frank even more but the more he thought the more his head hurt and he ended up falling asleep.


"Did you really start to hate me just because you liked her?" Perth said
"Wh-what?" Chimon asked confused. "Is that really what you think"
"Yeah I do" Perth said.
"Are you stupid?!" Chimon shouted at him.
"Then who would you like!" Perth shouted back.
"St-stop joking" Perth said as he sat down on his bed.
"Oh so you now think I'm joking, great goodnight" Chimon shouted as he fell asleep without eating.

Perth then also fell asleep before making dinner for the both of them and said.
"We hate each other now,that's the difference"


"I just don't know what is up with them" Nanon said.
"Well they probably have hated each other for so long they forgot they liked each other" ohm said back as he sat down right next to Nanon.
"I think that too" nanon said. "We think a lot alike" as Nanon said that he turned to look at Ohm who was right next to him and their noses touched.
"I-I im sorry" Nanon said as he tried to more back.
"Uh- this is stupid but can you go back to where you were?" Ohm said and Nanon just nodded and went back to how he was sitting. "Can I?" He asked as Nanon just nodded and pulled Ohm closer and ending the distance they had. The kiss wasn't that long but after they pulled away Nanon asked.
"What was that?" He teased Ohm.
"I like you" ohm says to Nanon and he smiled.
"I like you too, wanna be my Faen" Nanon asked.
"I would love to" ohm said.
They then ate the take out ohm bought and fell asleep.
The next day

Every freshman was gathered inside the gym and there standing was Gemini.
"Hello and welcome! I am sorry we didn't do this before but I hope you guys had a great first day!" He said. "Today is parents day! Meaning after this your parents will come to your classes and will be attending with you"
As Gemini explained more, both Perth and Chimon froze. Their moms were best friends. But they had to act like they didn't care. Drake on the other hand was very scared but acted like he was fine. Until their names came. The group looked down to see their moms standing in a line waiting for their sons.
"Hi mom" Perth and Chimon said at the same time hugging their moms.
"How have you been Perth" Chimons mom asked.
"And yoh Chimon?" Perths mom asked
"I'm good" they both said. The others just looked at them confused but as they did Drake left with his mom not looking at anyone's moms in the eyes.
"Wait,YOU MURDERER" somone said and Drake turned.




Hiii I hope you guys like this chapter! And maybe let's guess what is happening and why someone called someone a murderer.! It's also wedding season in my family! My family friend is getting married! And we will end up going to Texas!! To the US! For those who don't know I'm Canadian!! So I'm happy to go back to the US for the second time soon! I hope you guys are safe and are food! And drank your water! Love Sophie<333

MOONLIGHT 🌙 (PerthChimon FF) drakefrank sides plus ohmnanonWhere stories live. Discover now