Of sharks and puppies

Start from the beginning

Once they arrived at the minor family compound, Chay was shoved into a room suspiciously looking like a holding cell in a police station. He saw them once or twice, when his brother was arrested for stealing food in their childhood.

"Don't cause trouble as long I check your story," the man, who introduced himself as Gun Theerapanyakun, disappeared.

Chay took the opportunity to soak in his surroundings. He entered through a Cafe which was packed with muscular, tattooed men, dressed in floral print shirts and was dragged out the back door into a yard with a big dining table laid out for a great many more than an average family.

Shortly after he was locked into the cell.

The people passing didn't mind him being in a cell, they didn't even look at him. After some time watching the outside, he spotted a boy who had to be roughly around Chay's age. The black haired wondered what he was doing here, but once he took a closer look, he discovered expensive clothes and accessories.

'Must be the son of someone higher up' he concluded. By the time he finished with his little analysis, the other boy discovered him too.

He came closer to the bars, a smirk on his face. "What did a youngster, like you, do to end up here?" He asked still grinning.

"I didn't do anything. My uncle did...." Chay didn't dare to look into his eyes. He feared to upset the other and still ending up dead after all.

"I'm Macau Theerapanyakun by the way" He seemed to notice Chay's anxiety.

"Porschay Kittisawasd.... But Chay is just fine" He replied, still not looking up.

"So, what are you waiting for in here?" It appeared like the cell was known for holding people while they got checked.

"Khun Gun, I assume your father, is checking my background".

"Ding ding ding. You are right, he's my father," he sounded bitter about it," and what happens after?"

Chay really didn't want to answer but he felt obligated to it, since the son of the boss was sitting in front of him. "If I lied, I die here, If I was truthful, which I was, I'll work here to pay off the debt left behind by my uncle."

Before Macau could reply his father came back. "What did I tell you about talking to the detainees?" He asked.

"To not talk to them unless you allow it..." Macau lost his cheery personality.

"Did I allow you to talk to him?" Gun asked strictly.

"No..." Chay was uncomfortable, he wasn't ready to deal with parenting issues anytime soon, his parents died when he was still a toddler after all.

"Leave" and so he did. Gun now turned towards Chay.

"Turns out you did say the truth," he unlocked the cell, "considering your age you can't really do much here. Especially because I can't trust you." Chay was a bit offended but understood what his new boss meant. He stepped out of the cell.

"What am I going to do then?" Chay was genuinely curious, he wanted to do his job right as he was stuck here anyways.

"You obviously can't be a bodyguard or anything of the sorts, so you'll probably help the kitchen and cleaning staff, but I'll first ask my eldest son if he has a purpose for you."

Speaking of the devil, literally, he walked around the corner.

"Son, come here." Gun called out for him.

The guy approaching, scared Chay more than all the people he met today combined. He was tall, muscular, and intimidatingly handsome, even though he looked like he'd kill any- and everyone who tried to talk to him.

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