Of sharks and puppies

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Chay's brother, Porsche, left around a week prior, when the loan sharks came crashing into, the once shared, living room.

"Oh, if that ain't the little Kittisawasd" the biggest of the bunch smirked. Chay was afraid to death, he never had to deal with the loan sharks, usually his uncle or even his brother handled them. With both of them gone now, he was the only one left.

"W-what do you want?" It was a foolish question, of course they'd demand the money his uncle owed them.

"Your life if you can't give us our money" the crazy looking one said. If Chay was scared before, he was set off in fear and trepidation now. The black-haired boy jumped up and ran. He sprinted upstairs, skipping a few steps. He couldn't escape from the elevated floor, could he?

He could, by using the old rotten wood latter he and his brother used back when they were younger.

Once outside he didn't lose time and made a run for it. Unfortunately, he had to pass the big window front of the living room and the slowest thug noticed him.

Chay ran faster than he ever did, his survival instinct kicking in.

After a few blocks he turned into an alley way bumping into a dead end, forcing him to stop. He could hear the steps coming from the loan sharks and tried to hide, to no avail.

Soon he was faced with the five men, only one of them seem tired after running.

"We don't like kids that make us run... how should we punish you?" The big one stepped closer, eyeing Chay's body. The boy tried not to vomit from exhaustion and disgust. He had no room to back up.

The student had three options left.

'Either I kill myself now and be free from this people, I give up and endure the torture and kill me after. Definitely not. Or I scream as loud as I can with a little chance of rescue and if this doesn't work, I can back up to the other options' he considered.

The choice wasn't hard, the scream shrill and loud.

The guys in front of him covered their ears and looked at him in shock. As one of them regained their composure, they lunged towards Chay and pressed the youngers mouth shut. Fortunately, someone already heard him and came sprinting down the alley, but the saviour made halt once he saw who was in there.

"What are you doing here!? Aren't you supposed to get the money?!" He seemed angered.

"We found the child in the house! He wouldn't give us money and ran away!" The big guy said. He pulled Chay on his hair towards the stranger. The student stared into the man's eyes, if he would die here, he wouldn't want his hia to think he died without a fight. The black-haired boy didn't knew why of all times, he thought about his brother now, he wasn't here, he couldn't help.

"You think hunting a child for money is worth your time?! Where are your parents kid?" He addressed the youngest.

"Dead" Chay answer truthfully.

"Yeah, sure and you live alone," the man pulled Chay towards him and looked down into his face," quit the bullshit, Child."

"I do. My uncle is who knows where and my brother left a week ago and hasn't come back."

He was afraid of what the mysterious man will do with him, now he had no use anymore. He clearly was some kind of superior of the five men behind him.

"If you are telling the truth, which I assume you do, I will take you home. You'll pay your debt with your labour, understood?" There was no room for discussion, so he nodded. Chay was relieved, he wouldn't have to face death just now. The men behind him seemed disappointed, they were looking forward to devouring and murdering the boy.

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