Chapter 2: Giant

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Mikazuki returned to the infirmary, sitting back next to the sleeping Reine. His mind is lingered with the vision and the items that somehow managed to slip into his suit. Despite blurs on the individuals' face in his vision, Mikazuki was able to recognize them.

The adult male is Isacc Westcott, the CEO of the famed DEM industry. The teenage male was Shinji Takamiya, Mikazuki's classmates and friend when they were 15. The last time he heard about Shinji was that he and the rest of his family moved out somewhere, and they were never heard of since then as if they vanished. The teenage girl was the woman before him. Judging from her sleep talking and the vision, she and Shinji knew each other.

"But... why the vision appeared now..?" Mikazuki uttered in confusion.

A soft moan from Reine snapped Mikazuki's trance. The woman awakened and rose up from the bed while rubbing her eyes.

"Good morning, Murasame-san." Mikazuki greeted.

"Good morning, Yukihara-sensei..." She replied with a tired tone. "It was short, but I haven't slept this well in years. Thank you."

"Happy to help." Mikazuki smiled. "Now, shall we introduce you to the students?"

Reine gasped. "Is that alright? With my current condition-"

"As long as you sleep properly, I'll let you teach my students." Mikazuki clarified. "And of course, if you need any help, just ask."

Reine nodded. "Thank you for you kindness. And I'll keep it mind of your offer."

The woman moved away from the bed and tidied it up. Then, the two exited the infirmary and walked through the hallway to the designated class. And once they made it to their destination, they entered the class and the students went silent.

"Good morning, students!" Mikazuki greeted, and he stood on the pedestal with Reine next to him. "My apology for being late but today, we'll be having a new assistant homeroom teacher with us."

"Reine Murasame. I'll be teaching Physics." Reine introduced herself and bowed to the class. "Nice to meet you."

Students replied with an applause, and some of them are surprised to see that their homeroom teacher is having an assistant for the first time.

"Since this is Physics class periods, I'll be leaving my students to your care, Murasame-sensei." Mikazuki informed.

"Understood." Reine nodded in understanding.

Mikazuki then took a chair and brought it to the corner of the class. He took a seat and observed Reine teaching the students.

<<Time skip, brought to you by chibi Shido staring at chibi Reine with a wary expression>>

A week has passed normally, or so Mikazuki thought. The teacher noticed a strange behavior from his blue hair student. Every lunch period, he spotted Shido went inside the Physiques lab with Reine and every time he came out, he looks troubled and exhausted. Mikazuki asked the boy, but Shido avoided him.

Mikazuki assumed it'll end soon before he knows it, but it just get worse. He found his student flirting with another teacher, Tamae Okamine.


Shido yelped in shock, and both he and Tamae turned their attention to Mikazuki.

"Yukihara-sensei, what are you doing here?!" Shido asked in panic.

Mikazuki dismissed his unusual panic and approached the dumbfound Tamae.

"Okamine-sensei, how about you return to the teacher's lounge?" Mikazuki suggested. "I'll take it from here."

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