4 - Training

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[ W A R N I N G S ]


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You yawned as you opened the door to the bedroom to see Yuno and Sister Lily talking to each other. "Morning, (Y/N)!" Sister spoke with a smile as she was getting breakfast ready. "Good morning, Sister Lily. Morning Yuno." You spoke with a smile. 

Yuno nodded, "Good morning." He spoke with a soft smile. "Asta left early this morning to train. I'm going to follow him soon." Yuno spoke as he stood up from the chair. "You haven't had breakfast yet, Yuno!" 

Yuno looked over his shoulder. "Don't worry too much about me." He spoke as he walked out of the door. Sister sighed, "He's been working double as hard recently." You nodded. "When I wake up, I can hear the door opening." 

Sister sighed, "We should really fix that squeak to make it quieter." you shrugged. "I think I'm the only one who hears out of everyone asleep anyways in the morning. They sleep like rocks even after I wake up."

Sister Lily laughed softly, "Need some help, Sister?" You asked as she smiled, "Can you set up the table again?" You nodded at words and started setting up the table without a second thought. 

It had been a week since you've gotten your new spell. Now, instead of vanishing 3 spells, you can vanish several without nearly collapsing, the vanishing process sped up by a few seconds too. You felt proud as Yuno and Asta started training much harder so you got Sister Lilys' help and a few of the villagers when they were too busy to help. The children loved your spell. 

Especially Hollo and Aruru. 

The children started to wake up after smelling the food on the table Recca was the first one up. "Morning." You said as Recca came out of the door and rubbed the sleepiness from her eyes. "Good morning." She said tiredly as she sat down at the table. 

"I saw Nash waking up after I opened the door." Recca said as Nash followed after Recca, sitting beside her. "Morning, Nash." You said as Nash returned it. Aruru was next and then Hollo was woken up by Sister Lily. 

You sat on the other side of the table as Aruru sat beside you with a smile. "Morning Aruru, morning Hollo." You said as Aruru grinned. "Morning, (Y/N)." She spoke as Hollo muttered a greeting.

"Can we see your magic again?" Recca asked as you all finished the breakfast and you were helping Sister Lily clean up. "Sure, just let me help out." You said but Sister shooo'd you off. "Don't worry about me, (Y/N). Go show them some magic." 

You paused before smiling at Sister Lily, "Okay. I'll be back soon to help out." You spoke as you headed out of the door. "Let's go then?" You asked as Nash stood a few feet away and held a deadpan expression on his face.

Nash sent a piece of weak fire attack as you vanished it within a couple of seconds. Hollo started babbling as Aruru spoke. "Wow! That's so cool!" She spoke with a bright smile as if she didn't see it multiple times before. 

Nash nodded but didn't say anything. Too embarrassed to say that he thought it was cool-- cooler than Asta's in his opinion. Sister lily laughed softly while holding Hollo. "It is quite amazing, (Y/N). Considering you got the spell a week ago it's impressive." 

You smiled at Sister, "Thank you!" You spoke as Recca held her hands on her hip. "It's way cooler than Astas'! I still think Yuno has the coolest magic, though." 

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