New Start!

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Isabella POV

"Do you really want her?!" A girl three people down shrieked. She moved out of the line and my stomach dropped. Oh no.

"Just look at her! She's ugly." The girl that was talking was a girl named Hannah. "And want to know something...?! That is the only outfit she has. She's a nerd too! She wakes up every morning playing that weird box, cube game, thing on her phone. She's weird."

"It's Minecraft..." I mumbled under my breath and I could feel tears in my eyes. I wasn't getting adopted. Just great...

I ran up the stairs to my room and I locked the door.

I hate my life.

   I practically jumped on my bed and I cried into the pillow. I hate Hannah. So very much, I wanted to curl up and die in the warmth of the covers. I was planning on doing that until I heard a knock on the door.

"Go away!" My voice was strained and I was crying silently*

"Why would I do that?"

The voice was male and I recognized it as Tyler's. I got up wiping the tears from my eyes and I opened the door.

"W-what is it?" I couldn't hide the fact that my voice was shaky.

"Pack your stuff." My eyes widened and he had this smile that seemed to fix everything.

"You're adopting m-me?" I was shocked and he nodded making my heart leap again. "Thank you, thank you, and thank you!" I hugged him tightly and started packing my worn out back pack. I didn't have much but two extra t-shirts and shorts for pajamas. I had about $10 saved up from change I found under the couch cushions. That place was a gold mine.

By the time I was finished only 5 minutes have passed. Since I didn't have much it was easy to pack. I ran downstairs almost tripping myself and I slung the back pack over my shoulders. I'm getting adopted!!!

       Adam, being a childish guy, he looped his arm with mine and I couldn't help but smile. This was the best! Even though I could hear the other orphans yelling insults at me from inside the building, I finally felt safe. Thank goodness it's over...

(sorry it's short! I had no stopping place that would make sense. Don't hate me!)

Adopted By SkydoesMinecraftWhere stories live. Discover now