Nabi quivered with fear, her entire being succumbing to the weight of his threats. Her body trembled uncontrollably, and her breaths came in ragged, uneven gasps. The proximity of Jeonghan's presence only intensified her struggle to regain control.

She abruptly lifted her head from her hands, a determined fervor in her eyes as she forcefully wiped away her tears. Her gaze darted around the room, desperately seeking a solution to deceive her body into believing that everything was okay.

Then, her eyes fell upon the medicine beside her. Without hesitation, she unwrapped three of them, her trembling hands struggling to hold steady as she swallowed them all in one anxious gulp.

The room seemed to resonate with the rhythm of her breathing, each inhale and exhale a testament to her struggle. Jeonghan's gaze remained fixed upon her, his hands casually sliding into his pockets.

With a deliberate yet nonchalant movement, he distanced himself slightly from her, his awareness heightened in anticipation of Minghao's imminent arrival.

The door creaked open, revealing Minghao's entrance as he stepped into the room. His brows knit together in a perplexed frown upon finding Jeonghan in Nabi's presence.

Casting a swift glance at Nabi, who had her back turned to him, Minghao attempted to decipher her emotions. The sight of her visibly trembling form left him even more bewildered.

His confusion deepened as he took cautious steps toward her, intent on glimpsing her face and searching for the truth behind her turmoil.

While approaching Nabi, Minghao's gaze shifted to Jeonghan, his brow furrowing with a mix of confusion and suspicion. In a tone that demanded a swift response, he inquired, "What are you doing here, hyung?"

"I was just passing by and thought I'd pay her a visit," Jeonghan offered in explanation, his gaze unwavering as it met Minghao's.

Minghao's attention swiftly shifted to Nabi as he reached her, noticing that her face was downturned. His suspicion deepened, and he crouched down to her eye level. In a gentle tone, he urged, "Nabi, look at me."

As he drew nearer to her, he observed her condition more closely. The severity of her trembling and the state of her disheveled t-shirt became increasingly apparent, deepening his concern.

Nabi slowly raised her head, her vulnerable gaze meeting Minghao's bewildered expression.

In Nabi's gaze, Minghao found the unspoken confirmation to his suspicions. Her eyes seemed to have released all the tears they could muster, her lips were swollen, and her nose showed signs of redness from crying. Above all else, he detected an overwhelming fear in her eyes—a palpable, panic-stricken terror.

As Nabi's eyes locked onto Minghao's, tears pooled once more, but her gaze swiftly shifted to Jeonghan, who stood behind Minghao. A dagger-like glare from Jeonghan silently commanded her to remain silent.

Minghao's heart sank as he recognized the same terrified expression on Nabi's face that she had worn when he had forcefully kissed her.

"What did he do to you?" Minghao inquired softly, gently tucking a strand of hair that had fallen onto her face behind her ear. But Nabi's body reacted sharply to his touch, a visible shiver coursing through her, amplifying her already trembling form. Minghao's eyes locked onto this involuntary response, deepening his concern.

Nabi stuttered, her voice shaky, "We were just... talking." However, the intensity and focus in Minghao's gaze were so acute that she realized he wouldn't be fooled by her lie.

Placing his hands gently on either side of her, Minghao lowered his gaze even further, attempting to catch her eyes once more. She, however, quickly averted her gaze to the floor, fully aware that she couldn't manage to conceal her impending panic attack in his presence.

Inferno Hearts | Xu MinghaoWhere stories live. Discover now