"Did you complete your test Harlee?" I grabbed my test and handed it to him. He gave it a once over before nodding in my direction.

"The headmistress would like to see you, Jane is here to take you to her office. Bring your bags" He walked away, going back to monitoring the others. I looked at Jane in confusion but grabbed my stuff. If it gets me out of this class, I'll do anything.

. . .

I entered Fairygodmothers office still confused as Jane didn't know why she wanted to speak with me. My confusion grew when I saw my English teacher, Mrs.Doubtfire and my Math teacher, Mr.Hendrickson.

"Uhh what's going on?"

"Harlee, if 3x-y =12 what is the value of 8^x / 2^y?

"2^12" I answered quickly, still confused. "Is this why you pulled me out of class, to answer a math question? Don't get me wrong I'm not complaining, I grew bored after I finished my test but this doesn't seem like that important"

"Class started fifteen minutes ago?" Fairygodmother pointed out in confusion.

"Yeah" I nodded. The three teachers shared a look.

"Harlee, we think that your classes aren't the right fit for you" Fairygodmother smiled at me and I frowned.

"Am I failing?"

"No, of course not. Your passing with flying colors" She smiled. That didn't help at all.

"I don't understand"

"Harlee, your teachers have told me that you've been very bored in your classes and that you rarely pay attention, always reading a book or staring at your nails" Fairygodmother explained as she glanced at two of my teachers.

"That's true" I shrugged.

"Well your teachers recommended that you take a special type of test that is more geared to what you already know and depending on how you do on this test we can place you in classes more suited to your abilities" As she said this a woman in a suit walked in holding papers in her hand.

"Oh okay" I agreed, if it took me from my boring classes what harm could it do?


After I finished my test the lady told me I would have my results by tomorrow. I nodded to her in thanks before I walked towards my dorm. Ruby wasn't there when I arrived so I assumed that she was in cheerleading practice or painting in the woods. We talked about her betraying my trust after I ignored her for two straight days, she apologized for betraying my trust and now we're good, at least better.

I sat on my bed, blankly staring at the wall before looking at the closet in contemplation. I groaned standing up, Emerald looked at me from her small green bed that was next to mine. I went into the closet, moving a few things around before pulling out the 'Human Soulmate' book that I found in the library. I've been dreading to read it, unsure if I would like what it could mean. After what happened a few days ago this book and Elias have been consuming my mind constantly.

'Soulmates are said to be the person you have been destined to be with. Since birth your souls are forever entwined...' I continued to read the book, finding myself deep within the words.

'Over the centuries, soulmates have grown far in between..

'Some soulmates may possess a mark, to signify their destinies together'

'My husband and I share the same infinity symbol in our ring finger'

'It is uncommon for soulmates to bear the same mark or any marks at all. If these soulmates do have a mark it is said that they experience the truest of love and devotion'

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