Chapter 11

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"Wake up, wake up, wake up!"

"Ugh, leave me alone" I whined, swatting a hand at whoever was standing over me. I hit my target considering there was a groan of pain.

"Ow, come on Harls, you gotta wake up" Ruby shook my shoulders roughly and I grabbed the blanket snuggling to it.

"Too early" I mumbled

"Its 8 am"

"Exactly" I deadpanned and opened one of my eyes to look at her and then closed it again.

"Wake up, you lazy bum" I heard Kai's voice call.

"Lazy? We went to sleep five hours ago" I whined.

"It was five and a half" Ruby corrected as if it made any difference.

"Go back to bed" I shoved her off me again and turned my back towards where I assumed they were standing. Suddenly I felt soft fur near my cheek and a nibble on my nose. I opened one eye to catch green eyes staring back at me.

"Ugh come on Emerald you too, traitor" I complained, reaching an arm out to her and pulling her to my chest.

"Ruby its okay, if Harlee doesn't want to eat delicious, insta worthy sandwiches then let her sleep"

"Sandwiches?" I sat up immediately, Emerald in my arms.

"Oh so you get up for that?" Ruby glared at me.

"Its food" I deadpanned.

"Come on, let's go" I stood, heading for the door.

"You're still wearing the onesie!" Kai pointed out, she was wearing her grey, white and black pig onesie. I suppose they were waiting for me to get up to get dressed.

"So? It's still clothes and if someone has a problem than they can shove it up their-" My threat was interrupted by Kailani

"Okayy, lets go Miss murder" Kai, Mel and Ruby started walking out. Mel was still wearing her flounder onesie and Ruby was wearing an unicorn one because she couldn't find a chameleon onesie.

"Aren't you going to change?" I questioned.

"Like you said, still clothes" Kai shrugged with a smile.

"Then why did you question me?" I asked in annoyance, this conversation was keeping me from eating sandwiches.

"Didn't know if you wanted your 'baddie' reputation ruined"

"I could care less about that, besides just because I'm wearing an adorable bunny onesie doesn't mean I can't kick someone's arse" I gave her a 'duh/try me' look but the girls were smiling at me as if they've won the lottery.


"I knew it" Kai smiled smugly.

"You totally love the onesie" Mel teased

"You complained about wearing it but you called it adorable. Ha" Ruby smiled, a teasing glint in her eyes. I faked annoyance to cover my red cheeks.

"Whatever, let's go. I want food" I grumpily pushed past them.

"You sure Grumpy isn't your father" Mel called out after me. The girls laughed and I hid a smile, choosing to give her a loving hand signal instead.

We walked to the dining hall, all of us laughing as Mel told us the story of how she tried to sneak out of her castle and a crab named Sebastian stopped her and scolded her. We all grabbed our plates while still talking to each other. Mel and I taking the longest making Kai and Ruby wait for us. As soon as Mel and I finished we walked to their regular table.

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