Chapter 12: The Love Bug

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Lying in the machine after getting her body scanned was y/n. Herta had already scanned her body twice and the machine was scary. "Mama... can I get out now, please?" Himeko walked over to her daughter and picked her up placing her on the ground. 

"Why don't you go and find March, I need to talk to Herta, okay sweetheart? I think she is on the Express preparing dinner for everyone." Himeko placed a kiss on y/n's forehead and the small girl ran off to find her aunty.

After the doors closed behind the toddler Himeko and Herta could finally talk. "Himeko, I need to know everything there is about your daughter. How does she have the ability to control both Fire and Lightning? She also has the ability to follow three separate paths. The Nihility, The Erudition, and The Abundance. I don't understand how this is possible."

Himeko walked back over to Herta and took a seat next to the doll. "Well, I understand she has inherited both my Path and Element as well as her other Mothers. When I was pregnant with y/n, an elderly foxian woman approached me and said y/n was a gift from the Aeons. This might explain the Abundance Path as well. I believe that my wife should follow the Nihility path and control the Lightning."

"She really was a gift from the Aeons, Yaoshi in particular. She is still too young for her powers to be used. If you need any further testing conducted please bring her back here. Who is your wife, did you ever end up finding any leads on her?"

Himeko had to lie to protect Kafka "No unfortunately not, I still have no memory before I found the Astral Express."

Y/n ran into the Kitchen of the Astral Express, but March wasn't there, and dinner hadn't been started yet. The next best place to look was her bedroom. Running down the corridor she was now standing outside of the pink-haired girl's room. Doing what her mother had taught her recently the young girl knocked on the door and waited for a response... nothing.

Knocking again the toddler waited as the door slowly slid open "Aunty March, what took you so long to answer? Why is your hair so messy? What are we having for dinner?" Being four y/n had many questions for her.

"Slow down monkey, one question at a time" March giggled "I was taking a nap. Just some bedhead see. I'll just have a quick shower then can you help me with dinner?" March then patted her hair trying to smooth it back into place.

"Okay, I can help cook dinner. Where is Aunty Stelle?" Looking closer at her Aunty, y/n could see a mark on her neck "Ahh... Aunty March you have a bug bite on your neck! I'll go get the itchy bite cream." Y/n ran as fast as her little toddler legs could carry her.

Making her way into the med bay, Y/n saw the medicine in the cupboard above the bench. Being as small as she was she dragged over a stool to climb onto the countertop so she could reach the cupboard. The doors would budge as y/n grumbled trying to open them. Unfortunately for her, the cabinets had been childproofed.

Climbing back down she went into the Parlor car where she saw Welt "Grandpa can you please help me? I need the bug bite cream for Aunty March." Putting her puppy dog face on Welt chuckled. 

"Bug bite cream? There shouldn't be any bugs on the train or the space station." Welt said while scratching his head. Suddenly he realized what it was. Himeko hadn't soundproofed the rooms on the express for nothing.

"It was a really big red and purple bite on her neck. It must be really sore." y/n said with concern as she followed Welt back into the med bay. He unlocked the cupboard for the toddler and handed her the cream. "Thank you Grandpa, I'll get March to bring it back once I have helped her."

Sprinting back toward the pink-haired girl's room she didn't knock this time sliding the door open. "Look I have it..." The toddler stopped talking seeing both of her aunties on the bed giggling. "What are you looking at?" she asked curiously climbing onto the bed.

"Pictures of you as a baby. See this one here is after you took your first steps, Himeko was so happy she cried." March giggled. The pink-haired girl then felt something cool on her neck, it was the toddler putting the cream on her 'bug bite'

"Does that feel better?" y/n asked after applying the cream. 

"Much better thank you." March blushed then picked up the toddler "Let's go and wash your hands then we can start dinner okay!"

Half an hour had passed and the crew were now gathering in the Dining Car. Seeing her mother enter the room y/n had a big smile on her face. Everyone was now seated for dinner with y/n sitting between March and Stelle, she couldn't wait to tell everyone about her adventures for the day.

"Mama guess what I did!" y/n had a cheeky grin on her face. Her mother stopped eating her food and looked at her daughter "Aunty March has a bug bite, but I made it all better see!" Standing up in her chair y/n moved the pink hair out of the way, now everyone at the table got a clear view of her neck. "Woah... Aunty March, why didn't you tell me you had more than one bite?"

Himeko started to choke on her food, Welt laughed so hard he couldn't breathe. PomPom and Dan Heng sat there expressionless while March and Stelle had bright red faces. Y/n just smiled pleased that she was able to help someone.

Catching her breath Himeko looked at the two younger women "If you blush any more your faces will be redder than y/n's hair. Would you like to explain to my daughter how you got a bug bite when we are in space?"

"Yeah Aunty March, I haven't seen any bugs. Grandpa Welt also said there are no bugs here. Mama, you are smart what kind of bug makes these bites?" 

Himeko looked at Stelle "I think it's a big bug with silver hair and yellow eyes. They call it a love bug."

Y/n started to panic "Is it on the train Mama? Is it going to bite me?"

Himeko giggled "Don't worry, this bug only likes girls with pink hair so you are safe."

With a sigh of relief y/n sat back down and continued to eat her dinner. "You better keep her safe Aunty Stelle."

The next morning y/n had woken up early and went to her mother's room for morning cuddles. As quietly as she could she tiptoed to her bed so she didn't wake Himeko up. Still half asleep y/n climbed under the covers and snuggled into her mother's chest falling back asleep.

Himeko woke up half an hour later, she saw her daughter in the bed and wrapped y/n up in her arms cradling her. Today they had to leave the Herta Space Station and continue to the next planet. Her daughter always cried when they left, she had so much fun with the people on the Space Station. Every time they left she asked to take Peppy with them.

Running her fingers through her daughter's long red hair, the mother smiled to herself and closed her eyes. She was so lucky to have y/n in her life. Her wife, Kafka although a Stellaron Hunter was everything she had been missing. The late-night visit from her a few hours prior left Himeko exhausted, and she drifted back to sleep with her daughter.

Himeko felt a tickle on her face, her hair was being moved by small hands as tiny fingers poked at her exposed neck. "Mama... Mama wake up! The love bug bit you too!"

**End of Chapter 12**

I had a lot of comments about y/n having powers like a Herrscher, but I haven't played Honkai Impact and didn't want to incorporate it into the story. I'm really sorry for everyone who was hoping for this, but I didn't want to get any of the lore wrong, and will stick to what I know about the Star Rail Universe!

So y/n has both Himeko and Kafka's powers as well as the path of abundance. 

Sorry for the shorter chapter, we will go to Belabog next chapter. I wonder what mischief y/n will get up to this time. 

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