Accidental Voyage

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After not having seen Max for nearly a year now, Kirby and Sydney had taken it upon themselves to try and figure out whre Max had gone to. And after paying a visit to Mrs. McGrath and getting nothing from her other than that Max had transfered to a new accademy to finish his final year in High School, they decided to look into it.

Sydney: No way Max would leave us, especially during our final year in high school.

Kirby; I don't know Syd, Mrs. McGrath told us that she had Max temporarily transferred to a private high school for his final year.

Butch: Yeah, but at least we'll still hangout outside of school.

Sydney: that's the problem guys, even outside of school we haven't seen him in over 3 months. And I don't think we'll get answers from his parents so all we can do is-

Soon their conversation was interrupted when they heard an explosion at a nearby warehouse.

Butch: What was that?!

Kirby: It sounds like an explosion( soon he spots the fire from a block away) And look! It's only a block away.

Sydney: then that's where we're going, come on guys!

She shouted as she ran towards the scene of the crime.

Kirby: Sydney wait!

Butch: Come on. We better make sure she doesn't get hurt.

He finished as he and Kirby ran after to make sure she was fine. When the three teens got there, they snuck in through a broken window and were surprised with what was transpiring. Extroyer and Toxzon were stealing THI crates and bringing them through a portal.

Toxzon: You have to admit Ex, ever since Max Steel was banished to Remnant, crime has been so much worse easier for us!

Extroyer: For once Toxzon, I agree. Crime has never been more fun and enjoyable. And N-Tek hasn't been a nuisance ever since.

Toxzon: Not since they lost their secret weapon.

Unknown to the criminals, Sydney, Kirby and Butch had heard everything behind a couple of crates.

Sydney: So that's why Max Steel hasn't been seen for nearly a Year.

Kirby: Those creeps sent him to a different planet.

Butch: Leaving Coper Canton vulnerable to the criminals and Elementors.

Their whispered conversation was interrupted when they heard Extroyer shout.

Extroyer: Vin, Dwayne! Get over here!

Immediately, they scared henchmen of Extroyer ran frantically as they were summoned.

Dwayne: we're here boss.

Vin: Y-yeah, um what's up?

Extroyer: Iwant you both to stay behind and secure the rest of the crates with Dredd's robots. We're taking these goods to finish building our little surprise for the Vytal Festival.

Dwayne: you got it.

Vin: You can count on us.

Extroyer: you'd better, or else-

Toxzon: If you're done threatening your lackeys, Dredds sending us the back up he promised.

And right on cue a squad of twelve Dreadnoughts walked through, though these Dreadnaughts were taller and more intimidating than their predecessors.

Extroyer: Fine! Let's just go

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Extroyer: Fine! Let's just go. You've got to steal more chemicals for your Grimm Goopanoid gas.

Toxzon: With my formula mutating the Grimm, we'll soon have an army large enough to take Salem out of the Picture, and she'll no longer have those beasts to do her bidding.

Extroyer: Yep.

Toxzon: any luck on your hunt for that dragon Grimm?

Extroyer: Based upon The Ancient texts we found at those ruins within the forests. Along with cross referencing Ozpins files, we know it's lying dormant somewhere in the mountains. Speaking of which how goes your little plan to make sure I'm not out under Salems control once I Extroyer that beast?

Toxzon: with these components and a little more experimentation in the Grimm, you'll soon be immune to her control once you've added that Wyvern to your arsenal.

Extroyer: Excellent! Let's go.

Soon the criminals walked through the portal towards Remnant While the Dreadnaughts began their operation with Extroyers goons supervising the process.

Meanwhile, back with the teens.....

Sydney: come on, I think they'll lead us to Max! Follow my lead, and be quiet about it.

Butch: Wait a minute let's-

Kirby: Hold on-

They said hastily as Sydney dragged them towards the portal past the Dredd-naughts. Unfortunately, while they managed to sneak past the Robots, Vin and Dwayne spotted them.

Vin: Hey Dwayne, look, those kids look familiar to you?

Dwayne: Yeah, they do, it's those kids that are Max steel fans!

Kirby: uh oh, the jig is up!

Sydney: don't just stand there, run!

Immediately the three teens sprinted and jumped into the portal. Completely unaware to the dangers awaiting them on the other side.

Vin: Uh oh. The boss is gonna kill us.

Dwayne: no, he won't you dolt. because them monsters, the boss was telling us about are going to take care of those meddling kids.

Vin: you're right. He, he he he he he!

Dwayne: I almost feel sorry for those brats.

Vin: alright you bots, get back to it.

Immediately, the Dredd-naughts continued their operation and continued taking the crates.

Meanwhile, Sydney, Butch and Kirby were dropped off out of the Portal, and in a separate location. Since the goons informed them of the unexpected guests, Toxzon had altered the destination to send the kids to a different part of Vale, away from their base of operations and instead, they were dropped off in an alley way in the middle of Vale City.

Sydney: ouch, where are we?

Kirby: Don't know but I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.

Butch: dude, this isn't the Wizard of Oz. And I think you mean we're not in Copper Canyon anymore.

Kirby: oh, yeah, that's what I meant to say.

Sydney: well, wherever we are. Those villains said that Max Steel was sent here. Once we find him, maybe he can help us find Max.

Butch: but how are we going to get back home?

Kirby: yeah, without a portal machine of our own. We're stuck here for a long time.

Sydney: Let's worry about that after we find Max Steel.

The boys nodded in agreement, and the trio began to explore their new surroundings.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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