Farewell Team RWBY, Hello Team JNPR

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Weiss and Blake were heading to the dorm to meet Max and Steel in Private. Ruby and Yang agreed to let the four of them have the room to themselves for an hour. Max and Steel told Yang and Ruby that they needed to talk to the Heiress and the Cat Faunus.
We now find Weiss and Blake walking down the hall only one hallway away from getting to their quarters.

Weiss: What do you think they wanted to talk to us about?

Blake: Beats me Weiss. But I have a terrible feeling that they might have found the tracker we planted in their backpack a while back.

Weiss: oh please. Like they'd be smart enough to notice it their.

Eventually, the ladies reached their dorm. And when they entered. They were surprised to find no one inside. Despite what the text message read, when they received it.

Blake: something's not right.

Weiss: I agree. Why would they call us here if they aren't even here?

?: oh no, we are here. You just can't see us. Grab them boys!

Weiss: what you mean your in stealth- what?!

She never got to finish her sentence. For out of no where, 4 Max Steel clones in Max's default turbo suit. Restrained both Weiss and Blake.

Blake: What in Oum?!

Weiss: You dolts! Let us go! We're your friends!

Immediately Max and Steel deactivated their stealth mode's invisibility function. And when the girls laid eyes on them. They began to sweat a little.

Steel detached from Max's chest piece. Crossing his arms just as Max had his.

Steel: Then perhaps you'd care to explain why we found this tracker in our backpacks left side pocket!
He shouted as he threw the tracker they found. Right in between Blake and Weiss. It was then they realized, the jig was up.

Weiss: And what makes you think we have anything to do with-

Blake: that little gizmo. Anyone could've put it their.

Max and Steel gave them a "seriously" look.

Max: it's simple. One, the Schnee Dust Company logo on it, its the same symbol as Weiss' glyphs.

Steel: And two, we found Blakes fingerprint on it. Well her's and yours Ice Queen.

This made the two girls widen their eyes in shock that they were caught red handed and; that the heroes were incredible detectives.

Max: Don't bother explaining why you did it, we already know.

Steel: Man, normally I'd zap you two for pulling something like this but this. This-

he didn't finish since he was to heartbroken and turned away closing his eye in sadness.

Blake: Guys-

Weiss: Max Steel-

Max: No!

This got the girls scared and concerned all at once.

Steel: How could you do this to us?! Both of you?!

Max: What part of, when we're ready to tell you more, did you NOT GET INTO THOSE THICK SKULLS OF YOURS?! Did you honestly think we wouldn't suspect you'd both try a stunt like this?!

Steel: Lucky for us, when you dropped it into our back pack, I detected it with my enhanced scanners. The Turbo Energy did the rest shutting that sucker down. At least, when we found it, two days ago. He! Regardless, I analyzed it and discovered it's not just a tracker, it's also a listening device, a bug! We had no clue what you heard from us at all!

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