The Prank Master

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Cardin: ugh, it's bad enough we were suspended for a week. Now the student body won't fear us anymore.
Russel: I know boss, That McGrath kid was something. That blue semblance of his humiliated us!
Sky: not to mention that he told us that if he ever caught us picking on another Faunus or Human student alike-
Dove: We know! We know, don't need to be reminded of that.

While the bullies were walking past the statue in the front courtyard. They had no idea, that a certain invisible armored duo, were watching them. Hiding in plain sight

Max:(whispering to Steal) you ready buddy?
Steel:(whispers back) you know it. Operation bully vs bully is a go.

With Steel attached to his chest, Max and Steel. Dawning Turbo Stealth mode, now completely invisible, sneaked up behind team CRDL. And flicked Cardin's ear, smacked Dove's head, smacked Sky's back, and they tripped Russel.

Cardin: hey! What's the big idea?!

Dove: Me?! What about you?! Smacking my head like it's a joke?!

Russel: Oh yeah, you're one to talk Dove! Tripping me like it's funny huh!?

Sky: And what about smacking my back Russel?!

Cardin: that's it!

CRDL: This means war!

Soon the bullies began fighting each each other in a cartoonish, cloud representing the fighting. While they were beating each other up, Max and Steel had fled the premises, cleverly and un-noticed (obviously).
When they got to the lockers, they changed back into Max's casual attire. With Steel unlinking from Max's chest.

Max/Steel: Ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

Steel: oh man that was rich!

Max: man and I thought they had it out for me.

Steel: just goes to show you the greater the jerk, the smaller the brain size.

Max: You're right about that, ha!

Steel: yep. Hmm I wonder.

Max: Steel what's up buddy?
Steel: what if we used stealth mode to pull some more pranks?

Max then snapped out of his laugh, and started to straighten his face. His smile faded into a neutral expression.

Max: woah woah woah woah woah woah woah. Steel hold on, that's taking it to far. Look I admit Stealth mode is great for disappearing from the naked eyes of snooping people. But come on, you know Stan Lee's famous Spider Man saying.

Steel: yeah yeah the whole, " with great power comes great responsibility" so what?

Max: Do I have to spell it out?! We agreed that that would be a one time thing because we felt they deserved it. If we use stealth mode to prank our friends or heaven forbid the staff/faculty, we'd get in serious trouble! Not to mention hurt their feelings.

Steel: but-

Max: No buts. End of discussion. Got it?!

Steel: ugh! Fine, you win.

Max: good, now come on, link up before you're spotted.

Steel nodded and linked up to his chest plate. And the duo grabbed Max's back pack and left back to the dorm.

Steel(thinks internally): what Max doesn't know, won't hurt him, he he he he he he.

Location skip:RWBY Dorm
Time: 6:30 am

As Weiss was waking up, she walked to the bathroom. And as soon as she opened the door, a bucket of cold water soaked her and her pijamas!

Weiss: ugh!!!! So cold!

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