Spending time with Mama

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I'm going to do one more fluff chapter and then we shall start following the seasons 3- 4-5-6 After  all season 6 was rough so we need some fluff before we head into storm. Enjoy this chapter

    7 months old- June 10

    Carina had just finish her rounds of  all her patients. She was heading to her office to finish some of her paperwork when her phone starts ringing. She smiles when Maya name pops up and picks up.
Carina : Hello Bambina are you here? Maybe we could have  some alone time before you pick up Luca.
Maya : Umm not exactly. I'm stuck at work we are heading to a five alarm and I was wondering if you could pick up Luke from daycare and hang out with him.
Carina chuckles and opens her office door as she answers
Yes of course I will. And I will have dinner ready for you. Just be safe please?
Maya: Of course and thank you I really appreciate it.
Carina nods as Maya hang ups. Carina quickly grabs her stuff and heads to the daycare.
She smiles at the worker " Hi  I'm here to pick up Luca Bishop." The worker nods " Mommy working late today? He right over here he having tummy time with Scout." Carina nods and chuckles " Oh he is? He hates tummy time." You scream happily when you hear Carina voice as she squats down " Hi Luca! Are you ready to come home with Mama? Here try to crawl to mama." You put your butt up and wiggle as Carina smiles " Come on. You can do it." You lay back down and grunt. Carina chuckles " I guess today not the day. Let's get home? I want cuddles." She scoops you up and you snuggle against her as she grabs your diaper bag " Thank you. I will see you guys tomorrow." She walks out with you as she runs into Andrea who coming in for the overnight shift " Umm Carina did they miss the part in class where you are suppose to leave  the baby with the mother?"  Carina rolls her eyes " This is my girlfriend baby. She is working late. So I pick him up." Andrea smiles and gently grabs your hand " Hi. I'm Andrew. Is this crazy lady kidnapping you." You coo and snuggle closer to Carina as she smiles " No I am not." She adjusts you as you stare at Andrew " He wants a staring contest.  How old is he?" Carina " Umm he is seven months. I know he is small but he didn't have the best start." Andrew looks confused " What happen?" Carina whispers  " I will tell you later ok? We have lunch soon. You work Monday right? We will have lunch." Andrew nods " Will he join us? Because I can definitely use him as a chick magnet. You wanna help me get a girlfriend?" You grunt as Carina laughs " I know buddy. He just using your good looks." Andrew smiles " I better get going. See you later buddy. Bye Carina." Carina waves and waves your hand and whispers " Say bye Zio Andrea." You scream happily as Andrew laughs and screams back to you. You wiggle around and scream back as Andrew is about to scream when Carina puts her hand up " No. We aren't going to start this. He can go for awhile." As Andrew smiles " Mama no fun. I'm sorry buddy. I see you soon."
Carina smiles and leaves with you. Once she gets you two home it is already 6:00. She yawns and gently puts you in the playpen "I'm going to charge  then I will make us dinner and bath time." You whine as  you see Carina walking away " Bambino you will be fine. I'm just going a couple feet. I'm not leaving you." You start crying  as Carina quickly  changes  and runs back to you " Mama is here. I know you have abandonment issues. But mommy and I will never  leave you." She brings you close  and rubs your back and sings Italian lullaby until you calm down. You touch her face and  whine and she kisses your face " Mama is here. Let's see what is for dinner."  She sets you in the high chair  " We have blueberry yogurt but let's see you need protein.  Uh here we go. Purée chicken and peas ?" You grunt and make a face as Carina laughs " Fine what about umm purée turkey and gravy and some blueberry yogurt?" You clap your hands " Hmm we have a winner."  She starts a pot of water for some pasta and grabs a spoon and feeds you  as you eat. She starts dinner for her and Maya while you stay in your high chair playing with the yogurt left over . Once she gets some pasta done she sets it aside and gets you out " Bathtime bambino. You got yogurt in your hair." You yawn and rub your eyes as Carina gets the bath ready and then strips you naked. She quickly washes your body and hair and wraps you up in your frog towel and lays you down on bed. You yawn and stare at Carina as she gets you dress in your fire trucks footies. She picks you up and goes to make you a bottle. She feeds you while walking around and singing Italian lullabies. She doesn't hear Maya come in until she hears "That is hot... Maybe I should have you pick him up more often." Carina turns around and smile and whispers " Hi Bambina. I'm glad you are home safe. I made some pasta. But you are kinda stinky. Go take a shower and I will make you plate." Maya nods and kisses your head " Hi buddy. I missed you so much. I want cuddles later so wake up soon." Carina laughs " Hey don't. We want him to be sleeping." Maya smiles " Fine. I cuddle with him later." Maya takes a shower and then eats with Carina while you sleep in the crib your room.When they get finish with dinner Maya heads to your room scoops you up and inhales your scent as Carina watches Maya as she whisper something to you through the baby monitor. Maya holds you close and whisper " I love you buddy. I keep on coming home for you."

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