I love you

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A/N: this chapter is 4 months later from where we left off

Ages: Sora, Charli, Light we're 12 at the start of the book and are now 13
Jaxx, Luca, Alex were 13 at the start of the book and are now 14
Levi was 14 at the start of the book and he is now 15 (Levi is in 9th grade going into 10th and everyone else is in 7th going into 8th)

Timeline: the middle of may


It's now the last day of school! Time went by fast, here's a little rewind, I spent Christmas Eve with Jaxx and his family and I spent Christmas Day with my family, Alex and Light had a New Year's party so we all went, Valentine's Day was nice too, Jaxx took me out on a date, and now well now it's the last day of school.

In the last few months though...me and Jaxx had moments where we almost said "I love you", maybe I was just imagining it though, I want to say "I love you" to Jaxx but I feel like maybe he's not ready to say I love you...

The last bell rung to go home, it was officially the last and final day of 7th grade for me and the squad well except Levi, he's in 9th grade.

I go to find Jaxx, he's by his locker taking out all his stuff, I did that earlier

"Hi" I say
I think I scared him because he jumped a bit

"Sorry Sora, I didn't see you there"

"It's Okay, how many stuff do you have in your locker?"

"A lot apparently"

We laugh

After a while Jaxx is finally done putting his stuff in his Backpack and we go outside, we see high schoolers and 6th graders go crazy because of it being the last day

I can see the the seniors crying because it's their last day of high school and I can see both middle schoolers and high schoolers throwing old assignments into the air, the poor janitor

It was the same thing back in London except the year 13s would cry and hug everyone that came their way, I should know because I was one of students that got randomly hugged.

"Hey Sora are you free later?" Jaxx says

"Umm yea I think so"

"Do you want to come around mines later?"


Lately me and Jaxx have been hanging out a lot, sometimes on the weekends I stay over at Jaxx's house which my mum doesn't mind and my dad is ok with it because he still thinks that me and Jaxx are only friends.

I don't think I'll ever be able to tell him about me and Jaxx though, it feels like if I tell him then he get mad and moves us back to London and that's not what I want...

Me and Jaxx stay there talking for a while that we don't notice that the squad has started walking without us.

"Alright blueberry we should get going too" Jaxx says

"Did you just call me blueberry?"
Jaxx had called me a lot of pet names in the last few months but this was the first time he ever called me blueberry

"Hey At least it's better than little chipmunk" he joked around

"I still don't understand why you call me that"

"Aw because of your little cheeks that I like to pinch" he said teasing me

"Okay, okay I get it" I said annoyed

"Do you like Blueberry or chipmunk better?" He said sarcastically

"I like Sora! But I guess blueberry is fine for now" I said annoyed

He laughs and we start walking home



Me and Sora get to my house and walk inside, we take off our shoes and go to the living room

"Are you staying the night or just staying for a bit?" I ask Sora

"I think I'm going to stay the night, if that okay with you"

"Yea that's fine, just ask your mom so she doesn't get worried"

"I already did in the morning"

"Does that mean you already have extra clothes?"

"Yea, but I forgot my jumper (hoodie/Jacket) and I get cold at night-

"Sora I'm not giving you more of my hoodies just so you can steal them" I interrupted

"I didn't steal them! I just forgot to give them back..."

"Mhm sure...."

After a while of talking some more me and Sora go to the kitchen to get a snack and then go up to my room

I sit down on my bed and the first thing that Sora does once he enters my room is go straight to my closet

"Sora...I'm not giving you one of hoodies"

"Oh come on please"


"I'll give them back I promise"

"That's what you said the other 10 times"

"I'll give back to you before I leave"

"Fine but you have to give it back"

"Yay! Aw you do it because you love me" Sora says jokingly

"I do"

Sora turns to look at me


"I love you"

Sora comes and sits next to me on my bed, he gives me a kiss.

"I love you too" Sora says and smiles at me

We laugh a bit, Sora hugs me

"I wonder why we took so long to say it even if we both wanted to say it for a long time" Sora says

"I feel like maybe we were scared to say it because we didn't know if it was too soon, most people our age don't even kiss...we are just more mature than other kids"

"Yea...your right"

"Your my blueberry and I love you"

"I love you too but please find a better pet name" he says jokingly

We laugh

People our age don't really act like us as a couple, most people our age don't even date people until high school, we aren't like normal people our age and that's okay because everyone is different in their own way...but still at the end of the day

I love Sora and he loves me, we love each other.


A/N: this chapter has a huge time skip 😭 but it was also fun to write this chapter, the next chapter will probably have another big time skip so there's a little warning for the next chapter, I will put the timeline in the beginning like how I usually do with other chapters so you guys don't get confused.

I hope you have an amazing day/afternoon/night byee 😚

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