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A/N: this chapter is like pt.2 of boyfriends but not really 😅

Timeline: literally 1 min after what we left off in the last chapter 😭


I walk Sora to his house and before he gets inside he checks if anyone is looking which no one is and kisses me goodbye.

I walk to my house after, as I get inside I take off my shoes and jacket.

"I'm home" I say loudly so my parents could hear

"We're in the dining room" I hear my mom say

I go into the dining, my mom is write something down on a piece of paper and my dad is looking at his phone, I sit across from my mom and dad.

"Did you have a good day?" My dad asks

"Umm yea, I went to the carnival with Sora"

"You guys have been hanging out a lot lately but at the same time you guys are friends" my dad says

"Umm yea...he's my best friend...."

"It's nice that you have a friend like him" my mom says

"Yea...actually...I need to tell you guys something and it's kinda serious but it's also not..."

They both look up from what they were doing and put their attention on me

"Uhh I don't know how to start...umm I was hanging out with Sora today but it wasn't just us hanging out..."

"We went on a date....Sora is my boyfriend"

My parents eyes widen a bit

"I'm bisexual...which means I still like girls... but I like boys too and me and Sora are going out...and I just wanted you guys to know"

Tears start to form in my moms eyes and she gets up from her chair and hugs me.

"Thank you for telling us" my mom says

My mom sits down back at her chair and my dad comes and hugs me as well.

"Sorry if we ever made you feel like you couldn't tell us Jaxx" my dad says

He sits back down at his chair and smiles

"When did you guys start going out?" My mom asks

"A month ago but I liked him months before that"

"Im happy for you both and I don't care who you date boy or girl as long as you happy I'm happy too" my dad says

"Thanks dad"


*TIMELINE FOR SORA'S POV: he's barely getting inside his house*

I get inside my house and I see that my mum is sitting on the couch reading a book, she turns around when she hears the door shut.

"Hi sweetie did you have a nice day?" She says while looking up from her book

"Umm yea it's was good!"

We meet again {Soraxx story}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ