the seven of you had your lips glued shut to not squeal.

"please find the person you danced as. happy chatting!"

the microphone guy exited the room.

you walked over to felix and waved, shaking intensely.


he waved at you with a huge grin on his face.

you could only manage to wave.

"are you nervous?"

he laughed lightly.


you mumbled,

felix tilted his head slightly, still smiling.

he opened his arms, offering a hug.

you took it, containing your inner fangirl.

god, that was really hard to do.

there was no limit to how long you could talk for, so all of you ended up breaking the rules and talked to everyone.

it was disappointing that sky didn't get this amazing opportunity.

i'm sure he would've loved to meet felix.

the sad thing, is that there was always one person without someone to talk to until you all talked as a group, and that first person was obviously seungmin.

he didn't seem too upset about it and just talked when he was talked to.

when it was your turn to speak to him, you took at least fifty deep breaths beforehand.

meeting your bias would not be awkward.


he waved to you.

you waved back with a smile on your face.

"what's your name?"

seungmin smiled lightly.

you felt yourself melting.

you decided to use your nickname again.


you offered your hand out to him.

seungmin paused, then nodded and shook your hand.

"how are you?"

you asked him.

"i'm good, but some thief stole my phone earlier!"

he yelled out to target who he was talking to.

jisung looked over with a frown.

"hey, the person i called was totally chill about it until you walked in,"

he responded.

you smiled, then looked at your phone.

your face then slowly straightened.

"stolen phone, walking in,"

you thought.

"wait...i'm an idiot! seungmin's english name is sky and jisung's english name is peter! this can't be a coincidence! but wait...i danced with the kim seungmin last year?! AND HE KISSED MY HAND?!?! AND I WIPED MY PALM ON MY DRESS?!?!?!"

you felt like you were gonna faint...and then you did faint.


"do you know why she fainted?"

a voice asked as you slowly woke up.

you kept your eyes shut, not wanting to have lights invade your vision.

"do you think she found out that i 'accidentally' called her earlier?"

another voice laughed.

"i can't believe you actually went to this place last year, let alone get people's phone numbers,"

a third voice said from farther away.

"it's good you didn't use your actual name, but couldn't you have chosen something less obvious than sky? that's to easy to guess,"

the voice got closer.

"yeah, seungmin. not everyone's stupid,"

the fourth voice sounded like he hit another person.

"relax...i doubt she found out,"

you assumed seungmin said with an unsure tone.

your theory wasn't crazy.





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