Ch. 8

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Lost in contemplation of the miniature civilization, I'm startled as a voice interrupts my thoughts. I turn to face the source, my heart racing, and my eyes widen as they meet those of a stunning Aetherian male. His presence alone seems to radiate a kind of captivating charisma that makes my heart skip a beat.

"Apologies if I startled you," he says with a warm smile, his voice a melody that washes over me. I can only manage a surprised nod in response, my words seemingly escaping me in his presence.

His smile deepens, and he lowers his gaze for a moment as if collecting himself. "I hope I didn't interrupt any important musings," he continues, his silver eyes flickering with curiosity.

The mere sight of him has left me momentarily speechless, my thoughts a whirlwind of emotions and words that refuse to take shape. But as he extends his hand towards me, introducing himself, I find my voice returning to me. "I-I'm Ava," I manage to say, my voice a touch breathless as my hand meets his in a gentle handshake.

His smile grows even more charming as he gazes at me, and a sense of warmth spreads through me. "Ava," he repeats, as if tasting the name. "A beautiful name- it suits you."

My cheeks warm at his compliment, and I find myself searching for words again. "Thank you," I stammer, feeling a rush of both flattery and embarrassment.

"I'm Lirian Thorne," he introduces himself, his gaze holding mine with an intensity that sends a shiver down my spine. "Ambassador of Human-Aetherian Relations."

The pieces click into place in my mind, and my surprise deepens as I realize I'm standing before the Ambassador and Head of this entire operation. "Lirian Thorne?" I echo, my voice a mixture of surprise and realization.

He nods, his smile holding a hint of amusement at my reaction. "That's me."

His presence is overwhelming, a magnetic pull that has me captivated. "It's an honor," I manage to say, finally finding my voice again.

Lirian's smile remains, his gaze unwavering. "The honor is mine, Ava. I've heard great things about your work as an archaeologist. Your insights and expertise will be invaluable to the Anthropological Nexus Project."

The genuine excitement in his tone is contagious, and a rush of enthusiasm courses through me. "I'm excited to be a part of it," I reply, feeling a connection forming between us that goes beyond the professional.

"Likewise," he says, his silver eyes locking onto mine with a spark of shared enthusiasm. "The potential for collaboration between our worlds is boundless, and I have a feeling that working together will open doors we've never even imagined."

As his words sink in, I can't help but feel a sense of destiny in this meeting, as if our paths were meant to cross.

"I believe in the power of unity," Lirian continues, his voice soft yet determined. "And I believe that together, we can bridge the gap between our species and create a world where harmony thrives."

His words resonate within me, a shared vision that ignites a spark of inspiration. I find myself smiling in response, my excitement mirrored in his gaze.

"I'm looking forward to working with you, Ava," he says, his voice a gentle promise of possibilities.

"Me too." I stammer as he walks off with a casual elegance.

As he disappears from view, I'm left standing here, alone with the remnants of our conversation echoing in the air. Internally, I'm practically banging my head against the proverbial wall. Could I have been any more awkward? Seriously, Ava, what's wrong with you? I'm supposed to be an archaeologist, a pro at keeping my cool. But the minute those silver eyes met mine, all semblance of normalcy flew right out the window.

And seriously, I'm questioning my sanity right about now. How on Earth (or should I say, Hollow Earth) could I possibly find myself attracted to an alien?

Ugh, get it together, Ava. I mentally scold myself, my inner monologue a harsh mix of frustration and self-admonishment. You're here on a mission, not to fawn over a guy who's undeniably good-looking and charismatic.

I squeeze my eyes shut and take a deep breath, mentally ordering my heart rate to calm the heck down. I can't let myself be rattled by a chance meeting, no matter how electrifying it was. There's too much at stake, too much work to be done. And Lirian Thorne – Ambassador of human-aetherian relations and walking bundle of charm – can't be a distraction. I won't let him.

With a mental eye-roll, I try to replay our conversation in my head, focusing on the words he said rather than the way he said them. His enthusiasm about working together on the Anthropological Nexus Project should be what sticks with me. Not his devastating smile or the way his gaze seemed to see right through me.

I pinch the bridge of my nose, as if physically punishing myself will snap me out of this nonsense.

Marlowe appears, her gaze assessing. "You ready to call it a night? The rest of the team has retired to their private suites for the evening."

"Oh sure," I say clearly caught off guard. I wasn't even certain how long they been gone.

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