Ch. 4

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Marlowe's voice reverberates through the chamber, a blend of excitement and reverence that sends shivers down my spine. Each word seems to ignite a spark of anticipation, a primal instinct that tells me to run, to escape from whatever is about to reveal itself.

As the beings step into the light, a whimper slips free from my lips. Hands trembling, frozen in fear and awestruck. Two towering figures, their forms both alien and yet somehow strangely captivating. They move with a fluid grace that defies earthly physics, their presence simultaneously terrifying and alluring. Tall and elegant, they seem to embody a sublime power that is beyond human comprehension.

Their skin, a mesmerizing shade of taupe, catches the lavender radiance and seems to shimmer like moonlight on water. It's as if their bodies are composed of stardust and magic, sculpted by forces beyond my understanding. Angular and symmetrical, their features are like art in motion, a dance of lines and curves that creates an aesthetic that is simultaneously unsettling and breathtaking.

Their eyes, the color of polished silver, are impossibly large and seem to hold the knowledge of galaxies within them. When those eyes fix on Marlowe, I feel a chill run down my spine – a sensation that is both primal and unnerving.

Yet, it's the unmistakably female being who captures my attention the most as she steps into the cavern. Her form is a paradox of strength and delicacy, her presence simultaneously commanding and alluring. Standing apart from the others, her stature is slightly shorter, her body an intricate interplay of angles and soft curves that defy conventional beauty.

Her taupe skin radiates in the lavender glow, lending her an otherworldly allure that is impossible to ignore. Her eyes, pools of liquid silver, hold a depth that is hauntingly beautiful – a depth that speaks of experiences and knowledge far beyond my understanding. Despite the terror that clenches at my heart, I can't help but find her strangely captivating, her ethereal presence a study in contradictions.

She's dressed in a flowing garment that seems to shift and ripple with every movement, as if woven from strands of moonlight. The material is beautiful, its color reminiscent of the delicate hues of moonstone. It drapes over her form like a second layer of skin, enhancing her mesmerizing presence.

And then, as Marlowe engages with the beings, a realization hits me like a lightning bolt. They're speaking English. It's not a language I can audibly hear, but their thoughts are being transmitted directly into my mind, effortlessly forming coherent sentences that I can understand. I grab the cave wall behind me to keep me upright.  My head spins as they continue their monologue.  Words, thoughts and images of their making flash though my mind. My breath is caught in my chest as some ancient knowledge passes between us and my fragile psyche teeters on the verge of collapse.

Beside me, a man, Jeremiah, I think makes a sound of anguish as he stumbles before finally finding purchase on the slippery surface of the cave floor. He disappears, and I momentarily consider following him back out into the icy terrain. 

"I hope you enjoyed that little parlor trick." One of the males voices aloud.  His laughter fills the eire expanse. 

"Oh, Nibraun... you always have had a flare for the dramatics." Marlowe laughs and pats him on his arm. 

I flinch at the contact. 

"I find that it's the easiest way to transfer such vast knowledge. It would take a  literal century to convey our history verbally."

The female rolls her eyes and purses her lips before speaking. "You did notice that your little "parlor trick" sent one of the males running.

Marlowe interjects before Nibraun makes his rebuttal.  "Jeremiah is quite capable.  He will make it back to the institute safely."

"As much as I'd love to stay here and continue with Braun's antics, we are on a tight schedule.  Need I remind you?" The second male says in that same smokey tone that sends a shiver down my spine. 

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