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Lily (I'm sorry for having her again)

The grounds were dark, but neither James nor Lily thought it was necessary to light their wands. It was quiet, except for their own footsteps and breathing, and at times, some sort of howling from deep inside the dark forest. It all was very peaceful, very calming.

They walked without saying a word for a while, but when they reached the lake Lily spoke up, 'You wanted to talk, James,' she said in a gentle voice and put an arm around him. 'About what? If I may ask.'

James put his arm around her and it took a moment before he said something, 'I'm scared, Lily,' he said. 'I'm really, really scared.

'Nothing will happen, James,' Lily started, but James cut her of.

'Of course it will, it already has, in fact!' he said. 'This week I just got a taste of how it feels when someone you really love dies, and I know now, that I was foolish to think as I did earlier, to think that all of those horrible things that stood in the Daily Prophet was things that couldn't happen to me, that it was things that only happened to others, to people I didn't knew. But now you see how wrong I was.'

Lily rubbed James' back, not sure what to say. She wanted to comfort him, to say that all would be well, that nothing bad would happen, but she didn't. She didn't want to lie, and to say that nothing bad would happen, would be to tell a big lie, because Lily knew that that wasn't true.

'Of course bad things'll happen James,' she said slowly after a while. 'But that's just so something you've got to understand. We won't get out of this unharmed. Maybe we won't get hurt physically, but I'm pretty sure, that watching friends and close family die or disappear, hurt you mentally. We'll just have to try and live with it. I won't say that all will be well, because I'm not quite sure that's true, but I will say, that as long as we keep our hope up and don't go burry ourselves in sadness and pity, as long as we fight for what is right, things will be able to get better.'

James nodded. He had turned away from her and was now facing the lake. 'But you don't know how it feels, when someone really close to you dies. My dad and I was really close. When he died, it felt as though a big part of me was ripped out and thrown away or something; you don't understand how it feels.'

'You're right,' Lily said and also she turned to face the water, which was sparkling slightly in the thin moon's white light. 'I don't. But I'm sure that one day I'll understand, because people I love will die too. When that day comes, I hope I will be able to talk to you, because I know you'll understand. It feels good to know that I have you, James.'

James turned to her again. 'You'll always have me. I really love you,' he mumbled and kissed her. She kissed him back.

'We'll do the best of the situation, Lily I promise,' James told as they broke apart. 'It maybe won't be what one would call well a few years ago, but it'll be as well as it can get.'

'As long as it's with you, it's well enough for me,' Lily said and smiled. 'Let's go back to the castle.'


Ok... was this chapter Ok? I don't really like the ending and I wanted it to be a bit longer. Please tell me what you think:)

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