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It was raining terribly outside and Lily and Remus sat in the library. They had tons of homework to do and even if they had already done ancient runes and astronomy, they still had to do history of magic and potions.

Lily looked out through the window to her right. She thought that she saw someone walking outside but she wasn't sure. Who would want to be outside in this wether.

'So, where're your friends then?' Lily asked Remus who looked up from his book and smiled at her.

'Ah, well,' he said. 'They don't really feel the need to do homework. They said that they were going down to the kitchen.'

'Students are not allowed in there,' Lily said quickly and put down her quill. 'Didn't you tell them that?'

'Oh come on Lily,' Remus sighed. 'Do you really think that they care? Besides James' head boy so you can't punish him. Unless you go to a teacher. But I really don't think you should do that, it would just be mean.'

'But if they're not allowed they can't ju-'

'Just let it go Lily. Why do you have so much against them anyway? I mean, they're always nice to you... and most other people too. I think that you should stop being so... how to put it... rude towards them. Especially James. He does like you very much, how would you feel if the person you loved kept telling you how much he hated you?'

Lily looked at her friend. Maybe he was right. Maybe she was mean. She really didn't want to be, it's just that it's hard being nice to really arrogant morons. But when she thought of it, Potter and his gang actually had matured since last year. She hardly ever saw them hexing Snape anymore for one thing.

Lily looked down in her book. She felt slightly guilty. 'They just really annoy me at times,' she muttered and took her quill, but she didn't know what to write so she just stared at the book.

'Then why do they annoy you? I mean, I could speak to them if you want me to. I just think that you should act a bit nicer to James.'

Lily looked up from her book. 'I think we have to go now, charms starts soon so...' She stood up and put her books, parchment, ink and quills in her bag.

'Lily, I just want to know why they annoy you,' Remus said, and also he put away his books and other things. 'I mean, I could make them stop.'

'Do you really think that you could make James stop asking me out, because that really annoys me. I won't say yes, but still keeps asking and asking! Can't he just understand that there's nothing between us?'

Remus looked at her for a while, then he said: 'I guess I could tell him that he should stop nagging on you. I'm sure he'll understand.'

'Don't tell him we talked about it,' Lily begged.

'Sure,' Remus said and smiled. Lily smiled back, hugged him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. '

'You're a real friend Remus,' she said.


'I can see it Padfoot. Your eyes sparkle whenever you see her and your heart jump so high that you-'

'Shut up Prongs,' Sirius interrupted his friend. 'You don't know anything about my heart!' They were walking to the library to meet up with Remus and at the moment James was making fun if Sirius for blushing when Ashley Stanton said hi to him.

'I think that it look as though you like her,' Peter said and smiled. 'You know, you went all red and everything. As though she's the love if your life.'

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