But Goddess also is the one who mated me with a rogue. She knows our past, present and future. She knew Seiko would be a rogue from the moment he was born and she still bound my soul to his.

There has to be a reason why.

I just need to see him and make sure.

Just as the thought crosses my mind, those same bushes begin to part as I see Seiko step out of the treeline in all his naked glory.

His chocolate skin was glistening under the early morning sun, those pretty hazel eyes beaming even from across the field and that long, crazy hair was begging to be played in.

Seiko growls, even from where we stood, fifty feet apart, I could feel it. The sound almost calling me to him, but I don't move.

Instead I say, "Mate."

And that triggers something in Seiko to shift into his wolf, the large powerful black beast barreling towards me.

My heart kicks up a notch, but I don't dare move a muscle. Maybe if I didn't move, he wouldn't chase me and unlike the first time, this time, his wolf didn't have that crazed look in his eye.

"Don't run!"

I hear another voice cut across the field just as Seiko's wolf skids to a stop in front of me.

Clenching my eyes shut, I just focus on breathing as his much larger wolf sniffs my head, bumping its wet nose against my neck.

A shudder runs through me at the feeling of its nuzzle against the spot where his mark would lie but I try to ignore it.

I didn't want to react and possibly set his wolf off, so I just let it do its thing. Sniffing and bumping, nuzzling and growling as it sticks its nose underneath my shirt and then into my crotch and against my cheek.

I'm scared, there's no doubt about that, but I try not to show it even though I'm sure he could smell my fear permeating off me in waves by now.

My body is trembling, fists are clenched at my sides, muscles are tense but I remain still. Just standing here, praying to Goddess that she knew what she was doing with binding my soul to his.

"You're doing really good, pup, just don't make any sudden movements."

I hear that voice again, frowning as I try to place it. The deep baritone of it was familiar, but I couldn't put a face to it.

And then my ears perk up when I hear bones cracking in front of me.

Cracking one eye open, I'm surprised to see Seiko in his form now standing in front of me, his much larger frame towering over mine and the intensity of his gaze boring into mine.

"Gentle, Seiko."

That voice sounds again and as I stand here, staring into my mate's impressive eyes that I'm watching shift from that pretty hazel to red, I shake my head, sure that I hallucinated the whole thing.

Rogue's eyes don't shift from colored to red. . .  They stay red.

I blink, positive that I hallucinated the whole thing before I startle a little when Seiko wraps one of his arms around my back and pulls me into him. Bringing his other hands up to my chest, placing it against my heart, he tilts his head to the side as my heart starts beating violently within my chest.

"He's connecting with you, pup."

Risking it, I tear my gaze away from Seiko's reddened gaze as I look to my right and see the other two rogues standing in the treeline, watching our interaction.

"W-what?" I stutter, wondering if the rogue would actually speak back to me.

"Seiko is connecting with you," The fully clothed, more put together rogue informs and my eyes widen to hear him speak so clearly to me. "it's the one way he knows how. He's listening to your heartbeat."

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