She asked me, "Do you wear diapers, Benson?"

I giggled, "Haha, no..." Turning beat red this time.

Molly said, "It's ok if you do. I have to change my brother's diapers all the time. Do you wet the bed or something?"

I shook my head, no. She smiled big and then looked back at the road. I thought to myself for a second, what to say. I figured if there was an opportune time to mention it, this would be it.

I said, "I uh, I might wear them for fun sometimes."

Molly seemed to change her attitude after I said that. It was more of a serious expression that came over her face. Mind you, I was driving at the time, so I couldn't really analyze it. She looked over at me once and then back forward.

She asked, "For fun, huh? What's that like, a fetish or something?"

I shrugged and said, "No... uh, I'm just kidding."

She looked over at me blankly, saying, "Uh huh, sure you are."

Then she faced back forward again and didn't really say anything until we got to school. We got out and went inside. I was feeling nervous all day about the interaction and stupid about the comment I made. I also figured she would not be interested in diapers for kink at that point.

The day went on like usual, we went to classes. I talked to her a couple more times that day, and she just seemed off. I saw her hanging out with her friends in the hall, and I swear she was talking about me. She and her friends looked away when I got closer. Then, the final rang, and we got out.

She asked me, "You giving me a ride?"

I said, "Of course."

She asked, "Hey, did you want to study for algebra together tonight?"

I told her, "Uh, yeah, sure. My parents aren't going to be home, though. I don't want you to think I'm trying to set you up or anything."

"You can't be setting me up, I'd be the one setting you up if anything. I asked you first. So..." She replied.

"Alright. Well, we'll have to figure out something for dinner. My mom won't be there to cook." I said, smiling.

I had sex before this, I was kind of expecting a make-out session.  I was really nervous about the whole thing all the way over there. On the way, Molly wanted to stop by her house to let her mom know about the study session and possibly grab some things. When we got back to my house, things were normal enough. We studied at the kitchen table.

Then she asked, "So... are you going to show me around your house?"

I said, "Uh, sure."

There wasn't much to see, honestly, just the TV room and bedrooms. When we came to my room, she walked in, looking around, and then repeated my line from earlier in the day.

"Smells like a pee pee diaper." She giggled, smiling at me.

I chuckled, "Huh, no it doesn't. Does it?"

She nodded, "Yeah. You said you wear them for fun, huh? Are you sure you don't wet the bed?"

I blushed hard, "Nooo... I'm not, I mean, I don't wet the bed. I don't wear diapers."

"So if I look in your closet, there won't be a package of diapers in there?" She asked.

There was. She would see a package of diapers in there. I didn't wet the bed, though. I wore them to bed at night sometimes. I was cold busted.

"Well." Is all I managed to say.

Molly pulled out her cellphone and opened up the camera, "Let's look."

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