Blackmailed Into Diapers

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I've always been into diapers. Ever since I was about six, I can remember wanting to wear them again. I played with friends, with diaper themed plots. I imagined a wicked witch casting a spell on me to make me wear diapers. I imagined a mean girl threatening to tell on me to everyone if I didn't wear diapers. When I came for the first time, it was in a diaper.

I always kept my diapers as a dirty little secret. When I grew up past elementary school, I learned that other kids would make fun of anyone who wasn't considered normal. I tested the waters, so to speak. I made comments over the years to see what people's reactions would be. Needless to say, it wasn't very reassuring the reactions I got. I pretty much understood if that if anyone ever knew about me wearing diapers, I would suffer great humiliation.

That's why I was always careful with who I would tell and how I would tell them. I would first test the waters like before in school and in the neighborhood. Then, if I thought they were going to be alright with it, I might propose some kind of scenario other than just outright telling them I like to wear diapers.

It's hard to give examples of this kind of wording or hinting of what I would do. I'm not a writer, mind you. It has taken me several editing attempts to get this out into something even remotely coherent. All I can say is I would be as discreet as possible.

Molly was a girl I was interested in at one point. I had just got my license, and my parents gave me their car like a hand me down. Molly didn't have a car yet, I thought I would start offering her a ride to school in the mornings. I didn't really have any friends that didn't have their own car. Molly kind of lived close to me as well, so it wasn't out of the way. I figured she wouldn't want to take the bus, plus we had a bunch of classes together over the years.

One day, Molly asked if we could drop her little brother off at school. It was not that far out of the way, and I was happy to do a favor. When I picked her up, her little brother seemed a bit off. Turns out he had Down Syndrome or something. I didn't notice it at first, but when he got in, it smelled a little like a peed in diaper.

I said, "Morning! How's it going?"

As they got in, Molly returned the greeting with a beautiful smile as always. Her brother got in, and that's when the smell hit me.

Without even thinking about it, I said, "Oop, smells like a pee pee diaper."

I looked back, and Tomas giggled a little as he waved and said, "Hello!"

I looked at Molly. She seemed confused and possibly a little upset. I was about to say sorry, but she spoke first.

"That's Tomas, my little brother. Tomas, this is Benson. He may have peed a little." She started saying.

I waved a hand as if to say it was no big deal. That's when Molly asked me a couple of questions I didn't really think about before.

She asked me, "Do you have baby brothers or sisters?"

I said, "No. I'm an only child."

She looked confused, "Oh, how did you recognize the pee pee diaper smell? Do you live with someone who wears diapers or something?"

I choked up, "Um, uh no... I just um."

She tilted her head to the side like she figured out it was me, "Oh, my bad... is that a little too personal?"

I shook my head no, "Oh, no. I mean, it's not anything like that or anything."

Molly asked, "Like what?"

"Like, personal." I replied, practically stuttering at that point.

I started to drive, and Molly just looked at me, smirking for a second. I was turning red from embarrassment, and when we dropped off her brother, I saw her looking at me again. The moments of silence, the blush or nervousness showed enough for her to come forward with her final inquiry on the subject.

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