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I'M SO SORRY!! Guys...School is kicking my ass. Trying to have all A's this year. I'm trying and that's all I can do. But here is a very errr...personal chapter about our girl Victoria.
"And you said the manager told you to interview me" I ask the guy walking next to me. "Yup! Texted me this morning, something about his sons birthday" He answers opening a door to a theater for me. I walk in and he walks in after me. "And what is your name?" I ask watching as he begins picking up empty popcorn buckets and cups. "Jessie" I hear him say. I pull my jacket tighter onto my body as the cold airs gets to my body.

"So...what is the interview exactly?" I ask. Jessie stands holding a lot of buckets and cups. He walks to the trash can then walk back over to me. "Just some questions, like 'are you a people person' and 'how well do you work with others'" He mutters. His eyes flicker to my lips then back to my eyes before giving me a smile. "What if I answer wrong?" I ask softly. "There are other things you could do. We are short on cleaners for the night shift or someone to pop the popcorn and get drinks" He answers walking around me probably to do more clean up.

"That sounds good actually. How well is the- mhmp!" A hand covers my mouth and another one trials down my stomach. I grip the wrist my nails digging into the skin. "You're really pretty" Jessie. His lips trial from my ear to my neck. "Sthp! Plespeh!" I struggle in his grip. His hand slips into the front of my jeans as tears fill my eyes. "You would look so much better without the baggy clothes" No, no! I can't! I grab his wrist and bite down on one of his fingers.

"Ow! Fuck!" He let's me go to check his hand. I rush up to the door running to the main entrance where I run into another man. "Oh! I'm sorry" He says bending down to help me. I flinch back getting up myself. "Wait...are you Victoria? I thought you weren't coming today" He says looking me over with worried eyes. I wipe my eyes so I can see him better. "Who are you?" I ask my voice scratchy. "I'm the manager, Leo" My eyes widen and I start crying again.

"H-He said y-y-you-" A sob escapes my mouth as I cry harder. I hear footsteps rushing over to us. Leo touches my arm gently to help me up then looks up at Jessie. "Leo! Hi! I was just cleaning up theater 10" Jessie says his voice tight.

"Victoria...what happened?" Leo asked completely ignoring Jessie. "He told me y-you weren't h-here. Then t-took me to the t-theater and - and" I cover my mouth with my hand as a dry sob escapes my mouth. "He t-touched m-me" I finish with a deep breath. "God..." I hear Leo mutter. Leo looks at Jessie with a glare and puts a protective hand on my shoulder. "You are fired and I'm reporting you for attempted rape" He growls. Jessie's jaw drops, "you can possibly believe her!? She is lying!" He shouts balling his fist.

"She is crying for fucks sake! Get the fuck out of my movie theater!" Leo booms. Jessie sends a harsh glare at me but I don't flinch. I watch as he leaves the fear of being raped still swirling in my gut but it's not as strong now. I think I just need to talk to some one about what happened and not Finn. If I went to Finn about this he would probably kill the guy. "I'm sorry about what happened" Leo said taking me out of my daze.

"Not your fault" I mumble my mind else where. Hearing Gabriella's voice might help calm my racing nerves. "I have to go..." I say beginning to walk out of the theater. Leo touches my arm so I stop. "I will make some calls to see if anyone needs someone for a job if you want that" He say. I nod in thanks then walk out pulling out my phone as I make it outside. Finn was happy to give me Gabriella's number. She picks up on the third ring, "Hello?" Right as I hear her voice my body becomes loose and I feel like a slight weight has been lifted. Just from her voice...why does she make me feel so safe and okay. "Hello? Is someone there?" Right I forgot I called her.

"S-Sorry...it's uh, Victoria" I answer as I get into my car. "Oh! Hi what's up? Everything okay?" She asked. I stare at the small tree in front of my parking spot as her voice washes over me. No, nothing is okay. Everything is falling apart and the thing that slightly calms me is for some reason you're voice. I can't say that, that's weird. "Is...is there any change we could meet up? I- something happened and I-it triggered something" I admit hoping she says yes. "Of course! Where do you want to meet?" She asked. I could hear the jingle of keys and a car door opening and closing.

"Isn't there a park around here?" I ask. I turn my car on as Gabriella hums in answer. "Yes, I'll meet you there" Then she hangs up and I'm left sitting in my car with a question on my mind.

Why does she make me feel so calm?

At the park I see Gabriella sitting at a picnic table. Her black hair was loose and flowing past her shoulders. She is wearing white ripped jeans and a butterfly covered tank top. I sit across from her and she greets me with a smile. I also notice a little bit of make up on her face but she looks pretty with and without. "Sorry to bother you" I mutter chewing on my bottom lip. She shakes her head her smile staying on her face.

"Don't be. I am actually glad you called" A blush spreads on my cheeks and I lower my head so she doesn't see. "What happened?" I hug myself suddenly feeling cold. "I went to a job interview today for the movie theater..." I start. It feels so weird to talk to someone about things that I normally keep to myself. She doesn't say anything so I can speak which I appreciate.

"A guy said the manager was out and that he would have to do my interview...so he-he lead me to an empty theater" My leg starts bouncing and my stomach goes into a knot. I look up at Gabriella and her eyes hold an emotion that screams worry. "He grabbed me from behind and started touching me and I panicked because memories came up and I had to leave! I bit one of his fingers and ran out" I wipe my eyes so the tears don't fall.

"You got away Victoria and that is what matters. You fought and got out" she says breaking the silence. I shake my head fast and look at her with watery eyes. "What if I didn't? He would've hurt me like-" I stop myself and take a deep breath. Gabriella stares at me before her eyes widen slightly like she is now understanding. "I see" She breaths out. I stand up and back away. "This was stupid idea!" I hiss then rush to my car. I should've never gone to her! What was I thinking? Trusting a women I've only met once with something personal.

At my car I go to open the door but someone grabs my hand. "Victoria...wait" I look up at Gabriella's eyes. "Don't run away please. It will hurt to talk about but it will feel so much better" I grit my teeth. Why does everyone say that? I don't care if it will make me feel better! I don't want people to judge me for all the things that have happened. That's all people do! Is judge those that are different. I shake my head with a scoff yanking my hand away.

I open the car door, get in and slam the door shut. I drive off only look back once at Gabriella. She just stands there the same worried look in her eyes. Sympathy. Same look Finn gives me when I say something that I feel. Pity and sympathy. I hate both. I hate the world. I hate...me...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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