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Rule 1: Don't touch anything that is mine.
Rule 2: Don't eat my Cheeto Puffs.
Rule 3: Clean up after yourself.
Rule 4: No sex in the apartment.
Rule 5: You take out the garbage.
And last but not least...
Rule 6: Don't go in my room...ever.

They weren't hard rules to follow. I would follow all of them if it meant I would get left alone. When I planned on moving closer to where my brother lives I wasn't planning on sharing a place with a random person. But I also didn't plan on having to spend so much for rent either so I guess it helps to have another person helping.

Her name is Poppy and she seems very nice. Like when I first walked in she gave me a smile then laid down her rules. When I saw her I almost dropped my box of puzzles because she was so tall. I'm 5'6 while she had to be at least 6ft. I have never seen such a tall girl before and honestly it made her well... her. We might become friends but we could at least tolerate each other since we will be living together.

After she laid down her rules she left so I could unpack in peace. It was a nice place with a modern look to it. It was mostly marble and glass but hey I'm not complaining. It's the best thing I've had in a long time. My room was the size of my old apartment back where I use to live which to me is huge. At least I could frame and hang my puzzles on the wall. I had Finn set up my bed, dressers and my vanity because he lives near by. Speaking of I'll have to call him so we can meet up later.

I unpack my clothes and fill the closet and my dresser before moving to put my shoes on the shoe rack Finn got me last Christmas. He always bullied me about have to many pairs of shoes. When the main things were put away I move to the box that had all my puzzle boxes in it. I have fifty unopened puzzles in here. Puzzles help me feel like nothing is important. It's figuring out where pieces go and connecting them that makes me feel in control. That's best I could explain it.

I put all the boxes under my bed so I know where to go if I want to do one. After I'm done unpacking I pull out my phone and dial Finn's number. He answers almost immediately,

"Hey little sis" I walk out of my room quickly slipping on my Nike's before stepping out of the apartment. "Hey, I'm done unpacking. Wanna meet up?" I ask as I take out my car keys. "Sure! There is a cafe near where you are. I'll send you the location" He says with his all to happy voice. We say our byes then hang up.

I get to the cafe before Finn so I order myself a slice of cake and a iced coffee. I normally don't like to eat sweets but that time of the month is coming and I always crave sweets during it. I pick a seat in the back near a window while with my order waiting for Finn to show up. As I finish off the last bite of my cake the door opens and the bell jingles with Finn walking in. He smiles when he see me. I stand up knowing he is going to want a hug. He wraps his arms around me and I wrap mine around his neck squeezing softly. God I missed him so much.

"You look good Vic" He says as we separate. We take and sit as I shake my head. "If only I felt as good as I look" I chuckle. I look up at him seeing his smile drop to a slight frown. I know he doesn't like me talking like this but I can't lie to him. Growing up Finn was the only thing I had. Mom and Dad were always away on business trips, I barely have any memories of us as a family. Finn took care of me up until he moved away for college. He would send me money when he could. Mom and Dad always have money sent to us but it's not the same. I don't even know the last time I saw mom and dad.

"How do you like the flat? Poppy seemed nice" Finn changes the subject probably not wanting to talk about gloomy stuff at the moment. I stare at the crumbs of cake on the small white plate as I nod my head. "It's nice, Poppy is nice" I mumble before taking a sip of my ice coffee. The silence over takes the small table which makes me very uncomfortable. Normally we have good talks about what's been going on but ever since that night it's been different. Finn saw a side of me that I didn't want anyone to see ever.

I've kept so many things inside that once the words hit I exploded with anger, grief and depression. It was one of the worst nights in my entire life...it tore my world to shreds.

"Vic...I know you may not want to talk about...well anything but I think it will make you feel better" Finn says resting a hand on my own. "Finn I-"

"Not with me but with a professional. My girlfriend has a friend who is a therapist and I want you to see her. I will pay for the first appointment just to test things out but please Victoria" He pleads eyes begging for me to agree.

How am I supposed to agree when I would have to talk to someone about things I don't even want to acknowledge myself. Why would I want to sit in a room with a complete stranger just for them to tell me I need medication or more help. Sure I'm struggling with myself and others things but that's doesn't mean I need help...right? I mean back home I didn't need help, I just kept it inside for me to deal with or to forget about.

I look up at Finn taking in his worried expression before looking down at the table again. "One appointment" I mutter. I hear Finn let out a sigh of relief. "Yes, I will have Olivia set you an appointment. Now why don't I show you around? We have an amazing ice cream shop just down the street" I perk up at the mention of ice cream. "Your paying" I say as we stand. Finn chuckles and nods as we leave the cafe. Maybe just maybe this won't be so bad.

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