Bordeaux of Wonders (Lore 1/?)

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World/Universe Introduction: BORDEAUX OF WONDERS

Bordeaux is a world that is full of fantasy,the ocean in this place is ethereal.Many mortals wonder;What stories does it holds? Or what are the sea creatures lies in this ocean holds?could it be dangerous or peaceful?Besides the ocean being the most special place in their hearts..The 5 cities of this place is where people live,people we're amaze on how much of the 5 cities evolved,from many many years ago.Wars were held,but in their present generation,people will gather around for festivities and the five cities are welcome to one and another.In the historic events,some creatures were officially documented and historians conducted many research,to see if they truly exist or used to exist or never at all, and it is just a story made by the mortals..God knows when, what, or why they here in this realm of fantasies and delusions.


Valkian Raey Flaa
-Lesbian, Asexual
-26 y/o
-November 11,1997
-Married and in love to Victoria Flaa
-A pirate captain
-Learned how to use a sword when she was 16 years old
-5'7(170.18 cm)
-First to confess
-Little spoon
-Loves the night(Tori and Raey went stargazing whenever its her birthday)

Im alive and im continuing this,jm almost done w school (may 31)
Updated:apr 25,2024

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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