four; spank banks and grady whites

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BACK HUNCHED and leant up against her best friend sweat glistened down the center of Ashley Boston breasts her tinted black white framed sunglasses over her eyes a light blush adorned her cheeks, her lips curled into a small frown letting out a huff as she snaked her fingers around the strap of her white bikini readjusting it. Leaning back further against the soft chest of kie she laid completely oblivious to the blonde that eyed her chest eagerly, his darkened blue eyes lapping up the sight of her breasts movement whenever she moved.

A snort slipped from kiara lips, hands coming down to cover the beautiful view set before him jj looked up daze and met the mischievous dark eyes of his childhood friend."Can you stare any harder?" Heat clawing up his neck the blonde swallowed thickly at being caught red handed, sparing a glance down at the Boston girl only to which he hadn't. Feet thrown up onto her boyfriend's lap his fingers running over the swell of her heel and up her calf her gaze seemed to be set on her boyfriend not even aware of the words her friend had just said. The blonde almost scoffed, A bitter ting that definitely wasn't beer spreading across his tongue he practically ripped his gaze from the blonde and his best friend. Of course she was looking at him.

JJ gave a playful smile, bringing the cold bottle to his lips he took a swig before saying, winking at the girl as he gave a casual shrug. "You know just, new memories for the spank bank," kies lips curled in disgust words coming out of her mouth that jj did not at all catch too distracted by the loosening on the curly haired girl hands as she let the blonde go, Ashley making her way over to john b's lap them exchanging a kiss.

Something swirled in JJ's stomach it was bitter, nauseating and made him want to throw up at the sight of the couple. He gripped the beer bottle tightly the coolness of it giving his finger a slight chill as he resisted the sudden urge to empty the bottles content on the two. Ignoring the curly haired girl the maybank boy stepped back moving to the nose of the boat and away from the couple when abruptly the boat shook.

Sending john b's drink onto Ashley's chest, kie jolted forward her nose becoming acquainted with the girl's back and jj quite literally being yeeted off the boat, plunging into the merky waters backwards.

Gripping onto her boyfriend's chest for stability, Ashley yelled as everyone groaned

"what the hell pope?" The boy looked down sheepishly muttering a small sorry.

Brown eyes squinted looked up at her his voice hoarse "you good babe?" Ash hummed her gaze flickering over to her curly haired friend "you good kie?" The girl hummed rubbing her nose. Squinting Ash looked around in confusion a silent question falling off her lips where was j-

resurfacing with a pained groaned falling from his lips he muttered as his best friend asked if he was ok "I think my heels touched the back of my head,"

"what'd you do Pope?"kie complained out still rubbing her nose.

" sorry, sandbar." He responded, eyes squinted at something.

Ashley lifting herself from her boyfriend's lap placed the beer bottle onto the boats floor, heading towards the nose she stooped her upper half hanging off the thing and blonde locs coming down into her face.

She squinted at the boy in the water. "you sure you're alright j?" Though the blonde's respond lagged as he stared off in the valley of the girl's now rather wet chest, her nipples not only printed out clear as day but perked up, making themselves known as if saying hello.

The heat in jj's lower half, came up to say Hi too.

Pulling his gaze from the girls chest he swallowed thickly struggling to grasp his composure before saying a proud grin stretching across his face. "I saved the beer though," he held it up, Ash scrunched up her nose, laughing a bit as she said "don't drink that."

JUST SEX, jj maybankTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang