two; cocoon of love: popped

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Soft feather light kisses, fingers tracing along skin as soft as cotton and evading senses like a virus

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Soft feather light kisses, fingers tracing along skin as soft as cotton and evading senses like a virus. Admiring dark blue eyes stared down wistfully at john booker routledge. Haven woken up before the boy she laid there one arm pushing her up Ashley trailed tiny kisses against the sides of her boyfriends neck, fingers drawing patterns on his stomach. A good mood was what she was in for practically ages now. After a day spent well house hopping the group after coming back still radiating adrenaline and good spirits decided on throwing another one of john b's very famous parties down by the bone yard to kick off the summer.

Everyone had fun whether it was drinking, going home with a hot girl, talking about plastic half the night of trying to rizz up random girls. The happiness from yesterday, from last night seeped over into the next morning grasping hold of Ashley's shoulders and coating her in the sticky sugary feeling of happiness. It was regular to be out partying, getting shit faced or doing reckless shit with the pogues but this had been rare. To feel the genuine affection of her boyfriends words to feel the love radiating from his hugs and to just be in his presence soaking up the looks, compliments and teasing jokes of her boyfriend the man she'd fallen in love with. It'd been awhile since she last had one of these days. A hot day and since she was never sure how long before this cocoon of love, kisses and affection would be thrown up she took whatever was being given.

On the days where john b went from being hot to cold "cold days" He never necessarily tried fighting with her or you know those usual toxic stuff he'd just pretended like she was never there and whenever she tried reminding him she was he handled her like a dust on his shoulder he couldn't get off. He never spoke hurtful things to her, tried breaking up with her or cheating on her but still his coldness the not being able to gain love from your own boyfriend, him treating you like a total stranger when he felt like it without context, without a physical reason she knew about. The feeling of being unwanted made her eyes well with tears and throat burn.

John B and Ashley had known each other since elementary school and started dating when they were 14 tying the knot when they were 15 (four months into dating) and they had fun they're were no hot and cold days no just them having fun being teenagers and she wished she could go back to those light easy days. Itd been two months after big john had gone missing when the hot and cold days started happening she always told herself that the weight of his father being truly gone had started to ease in and he was having a hard time but there was this once when she'd muttered a three worded sentence a day when her heart almost shattered after a four worded statement was never given back. the first time she'd ever truly wondered that maybe the reason for the hot and cold days was because of something not related to john b's father being lost at sea.

But she buried that thought, deep deep under layers of blanket thoughts burying it. Her weeping, invested heart locking that thought somewhere deep and far away because that couldn't be what this was. It was just that he'd been through a lot and he needed time. She understood that. More than anything she did.

Deep brown almost black eyes fluttered open a look of confusion though quickly settling into something warm, A hand reached out grasping her waist and pulling her body down to his. There lips met in a gentle kiss. Still hot. Her tongue glided along his lip, asking for silent permission to which he granted. Lacing his fingers through the blonde strands of her hair. Like clockwork her body moved over his, pressing his shoulders down crawling onto him she leant forward lips meeting back again, tongues clashing body smashed against each other kiss.

"Hi" The blondes voice came out cheery a hint of breathlessness in her tone as she pulled away for a second there noses touching, chest moving up and down as they caught there breathe.

A lazy boyish smile gracing his lips slowly the Routledge boy smiled before saying his voice gruff "Good Morning." Ashley grinned one so wide coming in from ear to ear she moved her hips in a sensational slow pace directly above the boys crotch. She pulled the puffed lip between her teeth sucking on it before releasing as the blonde dipped her head again for a kiss it was then like a rubber band everything snapped. Grasping her waist with rough hands gently the Routledge boy pushed her off of him and just like that the once so fulfilling warmth she'd been filled to the brim with slowly dimmed to a chill.

John B and Ashley had never had sex. She'd tried bringing up the topic before on past occasions and he said he wasn't ready yet and of course she respected that but still it'd been almost two years since they'd been together. She wanted to be patient though an ugly selfish insecurity of her lack of boyfriend's attention in that area pinched at unresolved issues from her past Was she really that disgusting made he a guy practically ran out of bed just to avoid touching her?

Literally. Scrambling from the sheets of his bed john b fumbled over words on why he couldn't do this right now, explaining he had a meeting with DC right before he was out the door not a second thought to it. Her stomach churned as the door shut the kiss on her cheek and the lack of those words she'd waited desperately to hear since six months ago. She shivered wrapping herself underneath the sheets of her boyfriends bed. All warmth she felt gone. Her attention being taken away by the lady on the small screen of her phone speaking of an upcoming hurricane.


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