After that, he was outside in the cold. The chilly air felt good against his sweaty skin, but it would only feel good for a few minutes before it got cold again. Before getting far, he slid his hoodie over his body, tucking his backpack underneath it. He didn't realize he had lost enough weight and muscle for the bag to fit under his hoodie with him.

He waited until a large crowd came by before slipping in unnoticed, hoping not to draw attention to himself. Even if people weren't actively looking for him, he didn't want to risk it.

He blended in with the crowd as he made his way back to the alley. With his hands shoved in his pocket, he tried firing up his quirk to help keep him warm, but it was useless. It was hard to get his quirk activated in the winter. It wasn't snowing yet, but he knew it would be soon. He would have to remember to ask for a newspaper today. He wanted to know when it was supposed to snow.

Although it wasn't snowing, it was windy as hell. Even through his hood, his ears were burning from the cold. Due to the wind, trash was flying down the sidewalk. He stopped in his tracks when a certain flier flew to his feet.

"Fucking watch it, idiot," the man behind him scoffed as he ran into him. Bakugo said nothing as he bent down and picked the flier up.

His face was plastered in the center with the word Missing in giant bold red letters. Below that was his name, weight, eye color, and several other identifying features.

He wasn't thinking about his parents or friends. The only thing he was thinking about was the kids he failed.

"Blondie, that you?" A smooth voice asked from behind him. He turned around quickly when he recognized the voice. It was the shop owner he was on his way to meet. "It is you. Why don't we step out of the way so I can give you your stuff?"

Bakugo nodded while following the shop owner to the closest alley. When they were standing still again, Bakugo turned his attention back to the flier in his hand. He's been gone for months. Yet, the flier looked almost new. It had some dirt smeared on it, but it didn't look like it'd been pinned up for months. It looked fresh.

Were people still looking for him?

"Man, I hope they find him soon," the shop owner said while nodding toward the flier. "His parents and Pro Hero Deku are running around the city almost twenty-four-seven, trying to find him. Many heroes he went to school with are still trying to help, but people are starting to give up hope."

Bakugo shrugged before folding the paper and shoving it in his pocket. If anything, it would make for a great fire starter later.

"Alright, thirty dollars this time," the shop owner said while handing him a canvas bag filled with the stuff he requested.

Bakugo reached into his jacket and pulled out a twenty and a ten before handing it over. After that, he grabbed the notebook from the shop owner's hand. He wasn't sure what else he would want for next week, so he decided to start with what he did know.

What's the weather like this week? When is it supposed to snow?

After the shop owner read it, he replied, "It's supposed to start snowing tonight and snow for the next two weeks. Nothing too crazy this week, but they're calling for a blizzard next week."

Bakugo groaned. He hoped for a nice and easy winter, but why would he get it? Nothing seems to go his way anymore. He glanced in the bag to see two 12-packs of ramen noodles.

I think the ramen will last me two weeks. I don't want to drag you out in a blizzard. When is it supposed to let up?

"It's supposed to let up at the end of next week. If you need anything before then, just come into the shop. My employees know to be on the lookout for you guys this time of year." Bakugo nodded his head before handing the notebook back to him. "I'll have more ramen and other necessities ready when the blizzard ends. Like I said, stop by the store."

Bakugo held his hand out. After they shook hands, the shop owner left the alley, leaving Bakugo to himself again.

He slipped the flier from his pocket again.

"They're still looking?" The sound of his own voice surprised him. It was soft and sad. Any edge he used to have was gone, washed away like the feelings he used to have before he drowned them out with alcohol.

He hasn't looked in a mirror in a while, but he knows he doesn't look the same. He's lost a lot of weight and what feels like most of his muscles. His hair was longer now and rested in a low bun at the nape of his neck. He needed to get it cut, but it was low on his list of priorities.

He was pulled from his thoughts when a ripple of laughter echoed from the rooftop above him. The worst part was he knew that laughter. It was Ashido, which meant he needed to get out of there. She wouldn't hesitate to jump down and see if he needed help.

He shoved the flier into his jeans before shoving his left hand into his hoodie pocket and carrying the bag in his right hand. He went from the alley and back to the building he would be staying in for the winter.

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