For a few moments Henry just cackled, he found it funny that a pair of lovers had come to him for help regarding the same thing secretly. "You guys really are a match in heaven," he said afterward, quelling his laughter. He chuckled, approaching Ennard again to smack Ennard's iron arm lightly. "Don't worry, everything will be fine, don't be too nervous."

"Thanks ...."

Henry nodded at him, gave him a brief encouraging glance before leaving him alone in the living room to head upstairs. Ennard watched Henry leave for a moment, before he took a deep breath and headed out the back door to return to his house. As soon as his foot stepped on the backyard, his form changed, not a red-haired man but a blonde one.

At least he's glad he can still change into another form without the disc's help considering he's free now ... well even though he didn't like his soul at all.

He leapt over a waist-deep fence with ease and jogged toward his own house, his house fence was much taller than him, but it was no big deal. He fastened his run, putting strength into his legs and jumping high, he spun in the air until he was just above the railing, then used his hands as support on the log and pushed his body even higher until he gripped the tree trunk before swinging his body so he could slip in and went through the open window on the second floor.

For a moment he stared out the window, then without waiting any longer reverted back to his animatronic form as he heard approaching footsteps.


"Yes?" He looked to his left and found Michael coming toward him.

Michael smiled faintly as he rested one hand on his waist. "I've finished it."

Ennard tilted his head. "That fast?"

"Everything feels easy if you know how to do it." Michael waved his hand lightly, as if he was very proud of himself. After a while Michael took his hand and pulled him into their room. "Come on!"

Michael seemed so excited, he didn't know why. He followed Michael from behind after Michael let go of his grip and trotted while smiling broadly. The closer he got to their room, the more nervous he became. Today he was going to do something important, very, very important thing and he didn't want to mess it up at all by being stupid or doing something reckless.

He opened the bedroom door wider so he could go inside after Michael, he saw Michael take the disc on the table and pulled back a chair to stand taller so he could help him input the illusion disc around his neck.

"Done," Michael said after that, patting him on the shoulder briefly before getting off the chair. "Try it now," he added after that while smiling sweetly at him.

Ennard nodded and closed his eyes, concentrating. After that he opened his eyes again, the things around him looked taller now, unlike when he was in his animatronic form earlier. Even Michael looked tall. So, he assumed that the illusion disc was working well. "Thanks," he said afterward.

Michael chuckled and waved his hand again like it was nothing serious. Michael noticed that Ennard was now looking in the mirror of their room, scanning his appearance up and down. The eldest Afton exhaled slowly again and headed for his desk again, he felt nervous but this seemed like the perfect timing. He stared at the papers and books on the table for a while as he turned his back to Ennard, preparing himself as he put his hand in his trouser pocket.

Slowly he pulled the box out, stealthily too. Once again Michael exhaled heavily as he opened the box, then he closed his eyes tightly for a moment. Michael steadied himself, he turned turned around and knelt down as he opened his eyes and spoke. "Ennard—"

His words came to a sudden halt to find Ennard's eyes widening at him with a look of shock, and the exact same position he was in at the moment.

The golden rings were shining.

He was stunned, astonished by what had just happened. His feelings sunk warmly as he looked at how Ennard's eyes were watering, and so were his. They were both amazed, neither spoke a word between them until after a moment they realized they were having the same thoughts and doing it exactly the same time.

His smile starting to form, Michael laughed softly. "You got ahead of me, you sneaky one."

Michael widened his smile seeing how Ennard's tears started flowing out first, as if the man didn't expect this at all. So was he, but Ennard was more surprised than he was, though they were both relieved. Relieved that they were of the same thought, relieved that their worries were now answered and replaced by joy.

He got up from his knees and immediately lunged at Ennard with a tight hug until they both fell to the floor together.

"Yes ...," Michael whispered softly.

Ennard was still stunned, he was still trying to process all of this, his chest was pounding, drowning in the warmth. Michael's hug was tight, he hugged him back tighter, hiding his face in Michael's neck and smiling sincerely. His happiness welled up, his anxiety paid off, he could feel Michael's body starting to tremble and sob. Ennard laughed softly, pressed their lips together for a few moments and whispered again;

"Yes, I will, Michael."

The BondOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora