Yeonkai- Seasons

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Yeonjun presented his itinerary to Kai first thing in the morning. He kept staring at his face with giddy. The giddy dropped when he didn't get an excited reaction from the blonde. "Baby? What's wrong? Do you hate it?!"

"No! I just..." Kai whipped out his phone to show him his itinerary. "We should really coordinate in the future."

Yeonjun became giddy again. "Do you see what I see honey?"

"What? The bill? You weren't supposed to see that!"

"No babe! The times! We can make all of these plans!"

Kai compared both of their phones. They could make the concert if they left the game early. The lunches, however, were a slight problem. They were an hour apart. "Honey, I can just call the restaurant and reschedule it. It's really not a big deal."

Yeonjun kissed him deeply then pulled back with a large grin. "Mine is first. We can have appetizers at mine then the main course at yours!"

"What? It's like a 20 minute walk to the other restaurant! We would literally have to eat and drink quickly, run, pray we don't throw up on the run, then beg to be still let in the door because we would barge in like sweaty idiots!"

"Yeah it sounds like fun doesn't it?!"

Kai couldn't help but cave in. Yeonjun was batting his eyelashes with adorable enthusiasm. "It sounds perfect. Happy almost anniversary sweetheart."


Yeonjun was sweating his ass off in his office. Their AC broke. He had a very lengthy conversation with their contractors. It involved a lot of swearing including the phrase "get your ass over here and fix it!" He was too good at his job to be fired but he did get a warning.

Kai stopped by with some flowers. He walked in to feel a sudden rush of heat in the lobby. It felt worse in the building than it did outside. All of the windows were backfiring on them. It was like a sauna.

He made his way to Yeonjun's office to see him arguing with a contractor. The contractor threatened to get him fired. Yeonjun dared him to do it. Kai had to move out of the way for their bosses to mediate.

The two were seperated and Yeonjun was forced to go on his lunch early. He was actually told to take the day off but that wasn't going to happen. Yeonjun looked up to see his husband holding a bouquet of sunflowers. "Hi baby! It's so nice to be around someone who ISN'T AN INCOMPETENT JACKASS!"

Kai turned around to see the contractor giving him the middle finger. He forced down a laugh then handed the flowers over. "I can't stay long. I'm sorry you're stuck in this..."

Yeonjun wiped the sweat off of his face. He took a bunch of tissues and started to dab his hairline next. "This is hell. The flowers are beautiful! Thank you baby. Do you still have to work late tonight?"

"Yeah... I'm sorry. The partners are coming in tomorrow. I need to make sure everything is ready."

"But you have this weekend off?"

Kai gently dabbed Yeonjun's forehead then kissed it. "Yes sweetheart. I have this weekend off. Please don't plan something big for my birthday."

"Then I wouldn't be the person you fell in love with!"

"That's true. I need to go. I love you Yeonjun. I'll see you tonight okay?"

Yeonjun kissed him goodbye. The sunflowers went into a vase. They replaced the ones Kai got him last week. He loved his husband with his whole heart. That loving feeling was pushed aside when he heard a spark from one of the pillars. The entire building lost power for a couple minutes until the backup generator kicked in. Yeonjun yelled "THAT'S IT! I'M GOING HOME!"

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