
Y/N arrived to school on her own the next day because she needed to think of how she wanted to approach the boys when she talked to them one on one

As Y/N navigated the bustling hallways of her school, her mind raced with thoughts of how to approach the boys and resolve the tensions that had been building between them. The floors, polished to a mirror-like shine, reflected the vivid colors of the lockers and student artwork that adorned the walls. The sounds of laughter and conversation filled the air, mingling with the intermittent bell chimes that signaled the passing of each period.

Y/N was looking for them when she couldn't find them anywhere, that's when the bell rang and she knew she had to get to class.

As Y/N settled into her seat, her mind still occupied with thoughts of JJ and the rumors that had begun to poison her life, the classroom seemed to shrink around her. The walls, adorned with posters and educational charts, closed in, suffocating her with each passing moment. The sunlight, now filtered through the dusty windowpanes, cast a dim glow on the rows of desks, their surfaces marred with etchings and the remnants of countless pencil marks.

Why would JJ cause all this, for what reason? Y/n thought to herself before she saw the faces of her bestfriends walk in.

"hey Y/N, what's up" Jess asked as they took they seats next to Y/N.

Y/N looked up at Jess and Lucy, her eyes reflecting a mix of anticipation and weariness. The sunlight, now casting a dim glow on their faces, revealed the layers of emotions that swirled within them. Y/N took a deep breath, mustering the strength to face her friends and the chaos that had consumed her life.

"I...I don't even know where to start," Y/N murmured, her voice tinged with vulnerability.

"is it about JJ or Simon" Lucy asked.

"or both Y/N" Jess interjected giving me the look.

Y/N took a moment to gather her thoughts, her mind swirling with a whirlwind of emotions. The sunlight, now filtered through the dusty windowpanes, cast a dim glow on their eager faces, intensifying the weight of the conversation that loomed on the horizon. Y/N's heart, heavy with the burden of uncertainty, thudded against her chest as she mustered the courage to speak.

"both" Y/N replied "I want to make this right, even though I'm not the one who caused it" Y/N continued

"so what are you going to do" Jess asked

Y/N took a deep breath, her voice steady but tinged with a hint of anxiety. "I don't want this tension to tear us apart. We've been through so much together, and I know deep down that we care about each other. I want to find a way to bring us back together, to heal the wounds that have been inflicted upon us."

Jess nodded, her eyes filled with a mix of understanding and concern. "I agree, Y/N.

"not to rain on your part but Y/N, you really just started talking to these guys a couple days ago" Lucy laughed

Y/N's hand connected with Lucy's arm, the playful slap resonating in the air as laughter bubbled forth from their lips. The sound, like the tinkling of wind chimes on a breezy summer day, filled the room with a joyful melody. Their laughter, a symphony of friendship and camaraderie, echoed off the classroom walls, momentarily drowning out the weight of their previous conversation.

"okay so what, but I don't know I guess it's the way I'm able to freely talk to them, like I can with you" Y/N stated with a smile.

"Y/N, I get it. Sometimes it's easier to open up to new people, especially when they haven't been a part of our lives for as long as we have been," Jess said, her voice filled with understanding. The sunlight, now casting an ethereal glow on their faces, illuminated the genuine bond of friendship that existed between them. Jess reached out and squeezed Y/N's hand, a silent reassurance that she was not alone in this journey.

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