Should I Let It Happen. Or Not ?

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Didn't I say stop it Douglas !!!!!!!!!!. I am not going to do what you want me to do. Damn it you know my name is not Douglas it is Dudley not Douglas. Why do you insist calling me Douglas Harry. Because it pisses you off when I call you Douglas Douglas.😁. You fucking little foureyes freak. He takes a swing but misses. Hairy ducks under his fist and punches him in his gut as hard as he can making him fall to his knees. And Dudley started to gasp for breath. A shuttering breath. Breathe in. Fuck. Breathe out. You. He sucks in another breath of air. Glaring with daggers in his eyes. Harry just start to laugh as hard as he can at Dudley his fat overweight cousin. Hahaha. When Harry and Dudley was younger his cousin Dudley always picked on Harry until Harry found his strength to stand up to his cousin and his aunt and uncle. Yes he found True Blue Strength Power and Authority to do whatever he wants to do no matter what it is. Yes he is glad that he won that game and claimed his Power that day in that game of marbles. And he does not understand why his True Blue Aggus gives him the Strength and Courage to do whatever he wants to do. Yes he is glad that he has it now giving him the Strength Power and Authority to do whatever he wants. Yes it was like there was something inside of him that was trapt and was trying to claw and fight its way out to be free. And his Aggus gave him the Power Strength and Courage to do whatever he wanted to do no matter what it is. Yes Harry Potter feels all powerful when he is holding his Aggus in his hands. Yes he feels like he can do nearly anything that he can imagine to do. Yes he just needs to figure out how to do it. Yes the world is just out of his reach. Yes just barely out of his reach of his fingertips. Yes he feels like he is very close to his True Blue potential. Yes the world can be his and he knows it and feel that it to be true. Yes all that he would have to do is take it for himself. Hahaha. Yes he knows that he can do anything as long as he has his True blue Aggus 🔵 in his possession. His cousin Douglas looks up at Harry and said how can you be stronger than me because you are younger and just skin and bones. And Harry said to his cousin you are fat and lazy and you go to that Sissy private academy when I was forced to go to Ramses Military Academy for delinquents. Yes I was forced to get stronger when you sit on your fat ass drinking lard and eating sugar saturated cupcakes getting fatter and fatter. I am surprised that you do not have diabetes already cousin. Yes you are going to have a heart attack when you are sitting on the toilet straining as hard as you can trying to drop a deuce just like Elvis Presley did. But you are going to die before you are 30 I just know it. Hahaha. And I am not skinny I am lean and muscular way stronger than you can ever be my fat Dougie. Excuse me I mean Douglas.😁. Harry. It'sssss. Getting very closssssse to raining. We sssshould be getting home quickly. Harry. Yes I agree with you Drockian I can smell the Ozone in the air. Harry you are acting crazy again. I can hear your snake hissing and you are talking and hissing to him again. Hey Drockian is my friend and I can talk to him whenever I want. I do not know why you want to have that Asian Hornd Pit Viper as a pet. And I am surprise that it did not already bitten you by now and killed you Cousin!!!!!!!!!. Hey I trust Drockian 10 times more than I would ever trust you Cousin!!!!!!!!!. And he is not an Asian Hornd Pit Viper how many times do I have to tell you that he is not a Pit Viper because he is a Australian Frilled Sand Gardner Snake 🐍. I have shown you the pictures proving to you what he is because he is not a Asian Horn Pit Viper. Harry I did my own research when I saw him and he is what I said he is and you know that he is a poisonous Asian Hornd Pit Viper in one day he's going to bite me or someone else. Hopefully he will only bite you but I know that he is a threat to the family Cousin!!!!!!!!!. You should get rid of him as soon as you can before he kills all of us and you know that I am telling the truth Harry. Hey Drockian could you please come out of my backpack and talk to my cousin if you would. Hey hey hey do not take him out of your backpack I do not want to talk to your poisonous Asian Hornd Pit Viper. Every time you touch him you are gambling with your life because one day he's going to bite you and kill you Harry or one of us. Should I do it or should I not do it. I want to but yet I do not really want to. Crap crap crap crap crap. All of these thoughts that is running through my head what is wrong with me. Because I know that I should not be listening to them. But I really want Drockian to kill him. No no no I really don't want that. But why am I having these thoughts they are getting stronger and stronger every day. Yes why on Earth am I having these desires to do evil. God what is wrong with me. I know that God doesn't exist. Yes he does exist. No he doesn't exist I know this to be true. Hey I have to stop contradicting myself because God do exist. No he doesn't. Yes he does. Fucking crap I'm going crazy. It is not crazy to give in to your primal and base instincts that is who we truly are deep inside of us. We are strong and powerful we can do whatever we want if only we would give in to our true selves. I know that is the true us and you knows this to be true. Yes we know this is true so let Drockian bite him. Freaking crap I'm going crazy I'm having a argument with myself. God what is wrong with me please forgive me for all of my sins please counsel and guide me to where I need to be and away from this darkness and evil please O God. I know that he is not real. Yes God is real. No he is not. You can trust me because I am you and you are me so I am right and you are right so he does not exist listen to me and we both can be right. Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit. Cousin I'm going home it is getting very close to be raining so if you don't want to get sick when it rains I will be heading home if I was you cousin. So Goodbye and so long and good riddance to you. Go screw yourself Harry. Nope nope nope nope I'm not letting you do that. What the fuck I didn't say that. We both know what you want to do. Hahaha. You are the fucking one that is gay Harry not me. I'm not the one who told me to screw myself. Fuck you. Hahaha no way Dudley no way. Rrrrrrrrrrrr🖕. Hahaha. A few moments later you should have let me bit him I always wanted to know what he tastes like. Hey do not think about it. Because it is not worth getting cavities by letting his fat and blubber rot your fangs off Drockian. Hahaha. So let us both ignored the little fat piggy pig pig let him squeal all the way home. Hahaha. We both know what we want to do so trust me and let ours beautiful snake bite him. Yes trust me and trust yourself. No way in freaking hell that I'm going to listen to my dark side tell me what to do. And I mean you personally go screw yourself by yourself. Hahaha you will give in sooner or later. Because we both know it is because we are the same person deep inside of ourselves because it will always be the Darkness O the Darkness yes the glorious Darkness. No freaking way are we the same. Yes we are the same how can we not be the same because we are only one person so what I am thinking you are thinking so trust me. Yes you can trust me completely. 😁. No freaking way.

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