As our words danced, my attention flickered, drawn to the sight of figures slipping back into their seats. Kitty and Dr. Yuto – a peculiar duo. Questions stirred within me, an itch of curiosity demanding my focus. But my thoughts were abruptly diverted. Where had Freen disappeared to? She was here one moment and gone the next, like a phantom.

Excusing myself with an apologetic smile, I told Janella I needed to use the restroom. The truth was, I needed a moment to unravel the mystery that was slowly weaving its web around us.

In the quiet corridor, I walked briskly, my thoughts a whirlwind. And there she was – Freen, emerging from her suite. Surprise colored her expression as our eyes met, and I couldn't help but feel a flutter of unease at the unexpected encounter.

"What are you doing here?" Freen's voice was laced with a hint of surprise, her curiosity evident.

A nonchalant smile played on my lips. 

"Oh, you know, just looking for the restroom."

Confusion furrowed Freen's brow. 

"Why? Each suite has its own."

I kept my composure, weaving a tale with practiced ease. 

"W-well, there's a minor issue with our toilet, but don't worry. The staff is on it."

As I spoke, skepticism simmered in Freen's gaze, but she chose not to voice it. Instead, she gestured down the corridor. 

"The common restroom is this way."

I followed her lead, our steps falling in sync. Inside the restroom, I slipped into one of the stalls, the pretense of needing to use it all too convenient. Freen took advantage of the moment, subtly retouching her makeup. The mirror reflected a quiet intensity in her eyes, a stark contrast to her composed exterior.

When I emerged from the stall, we left the restroom together, casual conversation veiling the undercurrents of suspicion and intrigue that swirled around us. As we rejoined the group, I couldn't help but wonder about Freen's sudden disappearance and reappearance. Was there more to it than met the eye? And what secrets were being hidden within these luxurious walls?

The yacht sailed on, carrying us further into the heart of uncertainty. Hidden intentions, mysterious connections – a puzzle that begged to be solved, even as it deepened, shrouded in the enigmatic aura of the voyage.


Freen's POV

The afternoon sunlight filtered into my suite, casting a warm glow across the pages of the book in my hands. As the world beyond the yacht's windows seemed to drift away, I found solace in the written words that transported me to distant lands and captivating tales.

The gentle rustle of pages was interrupted by a subtle creak, and I looked up, my heart quickening as Neko slipped through the secret connecting door. Her presence brought a mix of emotions – an apology lingered in her eyes, an unspoken tension from our earlier disagreement.

"I'm sorry." Neko's voice was soft, her sincerity palpable. 

"I didn't mean to push you like that. I just... I don't want to be the reason you deny yourself the chance to love again."

I closed the book, setting it aside as I regarded her. The vulnerability in her confession mirrored my own uncertainties, and a sense of understanding began to mend the rift between us.

"I know. I appreciate your concern, but my heart is a stubborn thing. It doesn't easily change course."

Neko took a step closer, her gaze unwavering as she reached out to brush a strand of hair from my face. 

"I understand that, Freen. And I'm sorry for trying to control something that should always be your choice."

We stood there in silence for a moment, the weight of unspoken words hanging between us. The truth was, Neko's intentions were driven by her own fears, her desire to ensure my happiness even if it meant sacrificing her own. It was a sentiment I cherished, even as I grappled with the tangled web of emotions it had woven.

Our conversation shifted, the topic turning to more practical matters. Divorce – a word heavy with implications. My thoughts drifted to Marco, a good man who didn't deserve to be tangled in this web of betrayal. Neko and I agreed – if it ever came to that, Marco's heart should be spared the pain of public scandal.

"He deserves better than this, Neko. Whatever choices we make, we can't let our actions tarnish his reputation."

Neko nodded, her eyes reflecting the same sentiment. 

"You're right. We'll handle it discreetly, if it comes to that. But maybe... just maybe, you won't need to divorce him."

I raised an eyebrow, a mixture of surprise and confusion. 

"What do you mean?"

A playful smile danced on Neko's lips. 

"Well, if you happen to fall in love with him, then you won't need to divorce him, will you?"

I couldn't help but laugh, the absurdity of the suggestion lightening the weight of our conversation. 

"Neko, I'm not in love with Marco. And I don't foresee that changing anytime soon."

Neko's smile softened, her gaze affectionate. 

"Stubborn as ever, aren't you?"

"Absolutely." I replied with a grin.

Our eyes met, and in that moment, the walls we had built around ourselves seemed to crumble. The intensity of our connection, the depth of our emotions – they were undeniable, unshakable. Without a word, Neko closed the distance between us, and our lips met in a passionate kiss that spoke volumes of the desires and uncertainties that swirled within us.

But as the kiss deepened, a knock on my door shattered the moment, leaving us both breathless and caught off guard. Neko's gaze locked onto mine, a mixture of surprise and curiosity. Who could it be, interrupting a moment that felt as if it had been a long time coming?

I moved towards the door, a sense of apprehension mingling with anticipation. With a deep breath, I opened it, revealing a figure standing in the corridor, their expression a puzzle of emotions.

And in that instant, our world seemed to shift, unveiling the next layer of the intricate dance of secrets, desires, and the enigmatic voyage that had brought us all together.

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