Ch.3 Far Far Away

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Today was the first day my dad was going to California for the next 2 weeks. "Ok there's $200 in your account, phone numbers for take out on the fridge and sodas inside the fridge." He said putting on his sweater. "Thanks dad have a safe trip love you." I said sadly "I'll call you as soon as I land ok love you too pumpkin." He said kissing my head and headed out the door. I watched his car pull out of the drive way and down the street. I called Natti and within 10 minutes she was at my house and we were both in our pajamas watching movies and eating Chinese. Natti was obviously the prettier of us two she had straight blonde hair that went down to her hips, bright green eyes, we both head heart shaped faces and heart shaped lips. We both had the same curvy body. I loved having her as my best friend because she made me feel comfortable and I can be myself and not be judged. By the time we had watched 4 movies and whole pizza, with crazy bread, we had fallen asleep on my bed.

The next morning we woke up at 10:30 thank God it was Saturday. We went down stairs and had left over pizza for breakfast because we didn't feel like cooking. "Let's go somewhere!" Natti said as she shoved the rest of her pizza in her mouth. "Where? There's no where to go." I slipped down further into the couch. "I don't know. Let's just drive and see where it takes us." "Alright let's go change first." We went back to my room and got dressed Natti was wearing light blue skinny jeans, black halter top, and black lot top converse. I put on my dark wash skinnies, light blue tank top and white converse. I grabbed the keys to my silver KIA and we headed out the door. We ended up at the boardwalk on the beach playing all the games and going on all the rides.

We got corndogs for dinner and sat down on a bench facing the ocean. "Is that Jackson?" Natti asked stuffing her face with corndog. I turn around and sure enough Jackson Woods was here, at the boardwalk, starring right at me. I quickly tured back around and cheeks were flaming red, I could litteraly feel him starring at me. "Oh my god Cass! He's totally staring at you! Jackson Freaking Woods is starring right at you!" She shreeked. I clammed my hand over her mouth to stop her and said "Now the whole board walk is starring at us!" Yelled/whispered. "Sorry" she mumbled through my hand. I turned around to see if Jackson was still there but he was gone. Huh well that's not creep at all I thought. Around 11:30 we headed back to my house with our speakers blasting 5SOS and singing at the top of our lungs. When I pulled into the drive way I notice someone on the porch but I couldn't see them clearly because it was so dark. Natti and I got out of the car cautiously I put a hand on my pepper spray that I always kept in my purse, for safety reasons ok. Half way to the house the figure got up and started walking towards us I put a tighter grip on the pepper spray. When the figure was close enough, but continued to walk towards us, I pulled out the pepper spray and sprayed them. "Aaahhhh what the fuck Cassidy!" He yelled at me rubbing his eyes. "Who are you and how do you know me name!?" I yelled getting out my phone and flashing the flash light app on him. I gasped at who I had just pepper sprayed in the face. "Shit Jackson I'm so sorry I didn't know it was you oh god I'm sorry!" I said running to his side. "Come on let's get you inside." I said handing Natti my keys and helping him inside the house and into the kitchen. I sat him down on one of the kitchen chairs, grabbed a hand towel and wet it and started dabbing around his eyes and helping him wash out the pepper spray. "Why where you on my porch?" I asked still cleaning his eyes. He sighed reached into his pocket and pulled out a bracelet not just any bracelet but the one my mom gave me the last Christmas we had with her. "You dropped this on the boardwalk and I knew it was important to you so I had to bring it back as soon as possible." He admitted. I stop dabbing his eyes and carefully took the bracelet from him and examined it carefully. "How did you know it was so important to me?" I asked while struggling to put it back on with only one hand. He took the bracelet in his hands and gently grabbed my wrist and latched the bracelet on my wrist and said "Because you always have it on, and always figgeting with it, and on one of the charms it says Love Mom on it." He was right, on the back of the ballet slipper it said Love Mom. Did he really pay that much attention to me? I thought. "Well thanks for bringing it back I really appreciat it and I'm so sorry I pepper sprayed you." I said covering my face with my hands so he wouldn't see me blush. He pulled my hands away from my face so I could look at him and said "You know your really cute when you blush and its ok." Oh my god Cassidy he just called you cute! The bad boy just called you cute! I squealed inside. "Uhh thanks"I said awkwardly.all he did in return was give me his ever so famous smirk and a wink. "Well I better get going before my folks call the police looking for me" he said standing to his feet. When he stood up I realized how tall 6'3" really was to someone who was 5'5". "Ok well I'll see you around I guess" I said walking him to the door "Uh yea well by" and with that he left. I closed the front door ran up to my room where Natti was waiting patiently. Once I got into my room I closed my door and squealed and did a little happy dance. "What?! What happened?! Tell me!!!" She screamed and so I did I told her everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2015 ⏰

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