ch.1 And the lived well you know

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"And they lived happily ever after." I said finishing the book and putting it back on the library shelf. As part of our senior project we must do 40-60 hours of community service and write a report on our experience. So here I am sitting in the children's section of library just like every Thursday afternoon reading a book to about 6 kids. "Cassi how do I get a happily ever after?" You don't. I thought but I can't say that to a bunch of 6 or 7 year olds so instead I said "Well when the right person for you comes along you'll know Ashlee" "How will I know?" "Well uhh you get this warm fuzzy feeling in your tummy and you always smile around that person and you can't help but get happy when ever you see them" I said trying not to break her little heart "oh ok" is all she said and with that she got up and walked back to her mom just like the rest of them. After the kids left I stood up and walked to a table in the "teen section" and began studying for tomorrows test and that's how my Thursdays go. My name is Cassidy Evans I have straight brown hair that went down to my waist, brown eyes, freckles and big goofy glasses. I guess you could call me a nerd but what can I say I like books. They take me to a whole different place that gives me comfort. Anyways its about 4:30 so I stared back home picking up dinner on the way like dad asked. My mom passed away a few years ago from a car accident so its been me and my dad and so far it hasn't been too bad. At school no body really notices me I try and keep a low profile and get through high school by passing all my classes with a B or better. That's the way its always been and that's the way I like it.

Hey guys so I hoped you liked this first chapter its not much now but it'll get there :) hope you like the rest of this book

Not your Average Happy EndingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ