ch.2 Once Apon a Time

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After getting my books from my locker I scurried off to my lit class. Half way to my class smacked into what felt like a wall and fell on my butt "Watch where you're going nerd" the person hissed at me "sorry" I muttered quickly before taking a glance at the wall person I ran into and low and behold it was Jackson Woods the bad boy of Northwood high with his jet black hair, bright blue eyes, leather jacket and bad attitude. After that incident the day went by pretty fast and walking into the house it smelled like pizza and I could hear the football game going on in the living room. At least someone had a good day I thought. "Hey dad how's it going?" I asked walking into the kitchen "Great pumpkin we just landed a new business deal in California." "Wow that's great dad! But does this mean we have to move?" I asked with a groan "Actually no I'll be making a few trips over there so no parties" he said with a chuckle "Yea right the only person that would be over would be Natti" I snorted. Natti was my best and only friend since kindergarten her full name is Natalia Parker but to me she Natti. Natti has been there for me when I needed her most like when my mom past away or when people at school would call my names like nerd or loser she was there keeping me happy and having a shoulder to cry on when I needed it. She was there when I had crappy movies to watch she'd watch with me. Anyway with the end of our conversation my dad went back to his game and I grabbed a slice of pizza and went to my room to study. Then around 10 I took a shower and went to bed.

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