Chapter Thirteen

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A/N- Adding the next few chapters soon!


Few weeks later...
Angela and Bucky lay in bed together. Bucky runs his fingers through her hair, Angela rests on Buckys chest as she doodles in a notebook. Bucky kisses her head. "You ok?"

Angela nods. "I'm ok" she replies. Bucky nods. "I'm gonna take the weekend off, spend time with you ok?"

Angela nods. "I would like that"

Bucky smiles. "Thank you"

Angela places her notebook to the side. "I'm sorry"

"Darling theres not reason for you to be ok? Everything is gonna be ok"

She nods. "Can you do me a favor?"


"I wanna see Andy, please"

Bucky smiles and kisses the side of her head. "Of course"

Bucky gets off the bed and heads to the nursery, few minutes later he comes back with Andy in his hands. Angela sits up and smiles.

"You ready?"

Angela nods. "Yes"

Bucky carefully places Andy in her arms, he thens sits down beside her. Angela holds her closes as she sleeps, supporting the head as she does.

"Shes so beautiful" she whispers. "Shes looks like you"

Bucky smiles. "She stubborn like you, takes me hours to get her to sleep"

Angela chuckles. "That's my girl"

After her break down in his office a few weeks before, he canceled everything he had that afternoon and took Angela home. They showered together, ate, Angela cried some more. But Bucky is not leaving her side, hes going to help her. Bucky was glad that Laura decided to discharge her, Angela is making much better progress.

"Angel, I have something for you"

Angela smiles. "Whats up?"

Bucky stands up and grabs his laptop and a flash drive from the desk. He comes to back to the bed and opens it, plugging the drive in.

"I recorded everything. From her first crawl, her first bite of food, first laugh, I'm still waiting on her to talk and walk but... yeah"

Angela feels tears gather in her eyes. "You did?"

"I did. My dad did the same for me." He says. Angela sniffs and holds Andy close. "I wanna hear her laugh"

Bucky nods and goes to the video. "Steve was trying to get her to laugh, all day"

Angela giggles. "Of course her was"

"He tripped on the stairs and Andy fell out laughing, even though Steve really sprained his ankle" Bucky plays the video and shows the screen to Angela. Her eyes were glued to the screen as she watches Steve try to make Andy laugh, and yeah hes failing. Angela smiles wide when she hears her daughters laugh, seeing her happy. A tear falls from the corner of her eye.

"Angel, you ok?" Bucky asks pausing the video. Angela nods and kisses Andy on her forehead. "I'm ok"

Bucky moves some hair from her face and cups her chin. "I love you"

"I love you too" Angela smiles. "Can I see more of her?"

Bucky nods and takes Andy and places her on the mat while Angela grabs the laptop. She goes through all the recordings of Andy, she smiles. "I can't believe you have all five months of her all on here"

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 27 ⏰

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Overdose(Bucky Barnes&Oc)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang