⑨ Shot no. 6: "Section 4-D" (Planned extension in hiatus)

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So there's this point... I finished watching "Another" (The anime... yeah! You know, the gory one?) And just thought of something. On an UNRELATED side-note (as in completely...) I just remembered: I did read one hell of an Agatha Christie novel titled: "And then there were None".

I bet you're asking what the hell is this all about?

Well, it's pretty simple... What if, I mix the two things? Some sort of "mystery" (The touch of And then there were None; being of: "Why? and Who? in the alleged killings.") and at the same time: Being "senseless" and "supernatural"? (The touch of: "Another" seeing that; it's all because of a curse starting up senseless deaths.)


Once there was an quote...

"You should never touch what is not meant to be touched. Even though it was pried by the hands of man, once."

Sure you wouldn't dare, right? But then, there's this little part of you... Asking: "What would happen if I touch it? Will it be bad? Will it cause anything strange to me?" This is the point where an old saying enters being connected, with this still deep explanation: What people say to the people who are the type that are; very curious.

"Curiousity killed the cat."

If one is assuming that the cat is a person.

It literally does kill the cat, at some times. To mention, there are some circumstances that could trigger it. Like a simple accident turned big. Though this curiousity could also lead to senseless deaths. Those where one just randomly die. Those who die that who seem to be doing fine just a second earlier? But after? Unexpected that they'll be a cadaver. Just in a minute or two, because of a sudden happening.

Now wouldn't that make you actually raise an eyebrow? But if these deaths were beginning to rack up. Would you say; it's still an accident?

Or rather, would it be deemed as a curse?

This is a story of how one's curiousity lead into a massive, horrific, summer break. And how they deemed the senseless deaths to be a curse. A group of four that only half of them survived. Dated back: April 4, 2004. Location being of Nagasaki.

Four people who were apparently, under the section synonymous to the word:


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